Same room!!

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As me, Mikasa and Armin made our way to the castle's ceremony hall, me and armin separated our ways from Mikasa. Me and Armin went towards my parents and Mikasa went towards her parents.

As i reached my parents , my mother noticed me and started crying tears of happiness. " Look how big my little man grown up." My mother said. "Ahh Mom stop it... Its so embarrassing. " I said trying to hide my red cheeks.       " Well Eren follow me i want you to meet someone." My father said. I nodded and followed behind my parents and soon they stopped at a particular group of people in the ceremony hall. "Ahem" my dad cleared his throat trying to get the groups attention and successed. " Well Mr Ackerman how are you ?" My dad said to a man with dirty blonde hair. He made his way towards ny father and said " Mr Yeager i am doing perfectly fine" . Mr Ackerman then noticed me and a huge smile soon made its way on his face. " You must be Eren Yeager." He said while patting my shoulder. I nodded in reply. "Well Eren meet my wife AKANE ACKERMAN and my daughter MIKASA ACKERMAN....your soon to be fiancé." Mr Ackerman said. "I've met her." I said with a bored expression on my face. My mother noticed my expression and gave me a death glare. I gulped in terror. "Well i think we should start the ceremony." My mother said with a smile on her face. Mr Ackerman nodded in agreement. Then my father led me and Mikasa to the stage and cleared his throat and gained everyone's attention. He then said some magic words that made the crowd cheer us. While my father was giving his speech to the crowd, i looked at Mikasa and noticed that she has very beautiful features and especially her eyes. In other word Mikasa is cute, i thought. After my father was done with the speech he then left the stage leaving me and Mikasa alone on the stage. Then soon a servant brought a small table and placed it between me and Mikasa. The table had two beautiful diamond rings on it. I then looked at my mother nervously but saw her crying tears of happiness and beside her my father was standing who had a tissue box in his hand for mother. I then looked at my father and he nodded at me, i also nodded at him and the picked up the ring. " Now or never Yeager" i thought and slide it on Mikasa's finger and she did the same with me.

Soon the ceremony ended and all the guests left the Palace except for the Ackerman family obviously which is going to stay here for some days.

Me and Mikasa haven't talked since the ceremony. Currently I was standing at my room's balcony which has a very beautiful view of the city. While i was prasing the beautiful view i got interrupted by a knock on my door. I went towards my room door and surprised to see my mother, mikasa mother and mikasa there. " Do you need anything mum?" I aksed my mom. " Well Eren honey see ......since you and Mikasa are engaged now so why don't you guys share the same room and from now on Mikasa will also be living with us in Eldia." My mom replied. I looked at my mom with my eyes wide. I was about to say no but my mother gave me her death glare so i got no option except to agree. "Okay" i said. With that Mikasa came inside my room and our mothers left. "Well this is my room...make yourself comfortable..... Well i will be sleeping on the couch you can sleep on the bed. " I said to Mikasa. "Wait why are you sleeping on the couch ?.. i mean its your room well we can sleep on the same bed." Mikasa said and her cheeks were as red as tomato. "O-okay." I replied my cheek were also dark red. Then we both laid down on the bed and tried to sleep but couldn't sleep.


As we both were laying on the same bed. It was so uncomfortable cause inwas sharing a bed with someone and it was boy who is also my fiance and we have just met today. I couldn't sleep and soon after sometime i heard snoring and i saw Eren sleeping. I then noticed his features and i have to admit it his hot and cute both. I then faced my back toward Eren and tried to sleep but failed. After sometime two arms wrapped my waist. I then saw Eren cuddling with me but for some reason i felt safe and want to stay like this for more time also my cheeks were bright red. Then i faced my face towards Eren chest and snuggled up to him and slept in his arms. And something in my mind was telling that if i am with him i will be safe forever.

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