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Lyle's pov:

When we got home, I told Erik to text y/n that we were home. Then my dad came through "Lyle go get ready for tennis practice and Erik go up to ur room." I knew what that meant so I went up to my dad. "Don't do anything to him." My dad turned around and looked me dead in the eye. "I can do what I like to my son."

I was beyond mad. Words can't describe how mad I am. I went up to my room got dressed into my sports clothes and went to Erik. "Little bro u ok?" He liked at me scared "he's gonna do it again." I sighed and sat next to him. "Listen I'm gonna try my best to stop this from happening." Erik looked at me "how? We can't tell anyone or else he will kill us?"

"Erik I will find away don't worry." I gave him a reassuring hug. "LYLE GET A MOVE ON." Our dad shouted. I walked down the stairs and went out back to the tennis court. As I was practicing, I caught my dad going up into Erik's room. I missed the ball and my mom saw but did nothing about it. "MISS AGAIN AND I WILL TELL UR FATHER." She shouted at me.

I saw him close Erik's curtains, I couldn't take it much longer. I threw my racket on the floor and raced upstairs. I banged on the door "Lyle go finish sports practice." His voice boomed. I raced downstairs and went to my mom. "ARENT U GONNA DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT?" I shouted at her "don't u dare raise ur voice at me and what exactly do u want me to do?" "Tell dad to stop molesting Erik." My mom walked away.

Sometimes I wish life was easier, I wanna tell someone real bad about what dad is doing to us. I can't do anything to help Erik and I wish there was something. I could tell Y/n but then there's a chance she would go to the police. I started to kick the door. I managed to get a hole in it.

I heard whimpers from Erik as my dad was doing things to him. "STOP" I growled at my dad. I finally got through. My dad came up to me and grabbed me by the neck. "What do u think ur doing?" He said holding me to the wall. "Saving my little brother." "Do I have to remind u? I can do what I like to him." While dad was talking to me I gestured to Erik to leave the room.

"Don't u dare think about leaving this room." My dad bellowed. Erik sat back down and my dad threw me on the floor. "Ur not gonna get away with doing this to us for much longer." He looked down at me "why not?" I looked at him and I loathed it "me and Erik will got to the police and tell them." I threatened "they won't believe u and if u do I will kill u and ur pathetic little brother." My dad turned away and walked out.

I rushed to Erik and hugged him. "It's ok I'm here and I will try and not let anything happen again." He sniffed "he's going to kill us Lyle, I know he is." I looked at him "no he's just trying to get in our heads, don't let that happen." He nodded his head. "I'm scared, I can't do this." "Erik, ur strong u can do this and next time he comes in say no." He nodded "ok"

I walked back into my room, me and Erik need to run away. I start to pack my bags, after I finished packing I hid the bag and went to Erik's room. I went straight in and found a spare bag, I went over to his drawers and started to pack his bag. "Lyle what are u doing?" He whisper shouted at me.

"We are getting out of this place." I told him "dad will find us no matter what." I looked at him "it's worth a try." I finished packing his bag and passed it to him "come on let's go to my room." We both walked into my room. "Pass me ur bag." Erik passed me his bag and I threw it out the window. Then next I threw mine.

"Right when we get downstairs say we are meeting with Joey." Erik nodded. I went downstairs first with Erik behind me. "Where are u two going?" Our mother asked "we are going to meet Joey." Erik replied. She walked away and we walked out. Erik went to get the bags and passed me mine.

"Where are we going to Lyle?" He asked "we take the car and just drive." He looked a bit unsure but go in the car anyway. "Can I text y/n?" He asked "sure" Erik got his phone out and texted Y/n:


Y/n me and Lyle are
Running away. Pls
Tell Joey that we 'saw'
Him today cuz that's
What we told our mom.

Erik where are u
Two gonna go? And
I will tell Joey x

Thanks, and Lyle said
we will just drive. And
We will be careful.

Erik put his phone away. "Do we have to leave?" "Why don't u wanna leave?" He looked out the window "because I'll miss my friends." I knew he wasn't telling me something "anyone in particular? A girl?" He looked at me with a glare "oh yeah I will miss MY GIRLFRIEND Tracey." I rolled my eyes. "When will u see that she's not the one for u?"

"She is the one, Just leave me and my love life alone, just because ur getting married doesn't mean u get to boss me about with my love life." He fired back, he tried to open the car door "unlock it." I looked at him like he was crazy "UNLOCK IT IM NOT RUNNING AWAY!" He shouted at the top of his lungs, his breathing got heavier "Erik Erik looked at me, I will take u home, we can forget all about this pretend nothing happened." He nodded

I turned the car around and headed back home, as soon as I turned off the engine Erik got out the car and raced inside. "STOP." A voice echoed through the house. "I know u two tried to runaway." Erik looked back at me. "Erik go to ur room, Lyle with me." I followed my dad into his office...

Hi, I decided to do this as it shows what's going on in the menendez household and I will do more of these. I hope u enjoyed this chapter.

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