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Y/n's Pov

It's the day after everything that happened yesterday. I'm going to the beach with a few of my friends and Joey, I said that he could invite a few friends. I asked Leo but he said he may not be able to come. If I'm being honest I think I'm growing apart from Leo but I won't do anything until the times right.

I packed everything up and headed to the car. "Ay there she is." I heard someone say, I got ready to attack. They were coming up to me "don't come near me." I warned them. "It's just me." I turned around and saw Lyle. "Oh thank go I thought it was someone here to attack me." I smiled at him. "If anyone would attack u, I would be here to save u." He said proudly.

"Is Erik coming?" I asked him "No sorry, he has to go to a tennis tournament." I was a lil sad that he wasn't coming "oh ok." I shrugged and walked off. "U have a crush on my little brother." Lyle smirked "what no I don't!" I turned around to look at him "oh yes u do, u have a  crush on him." I rolled my eyes "no I don't besides I'm with Leo." Now it was Lyle's turn to roll his eyes.

"No offence but what do u see in him." He asked me, I had to think "he has nice eyes,hair, he makes me laugh." Lyle came closer to me "I know someone who would make u laugh even more. Plus u had to think awhile before answering." "Lyle I do NOT have a crush on ur brother. I'm with Leo alright." Lyle put his hands up in defeat. "But u do have a crush on him." I heard Lyle say I was going up to him "who do u have a crush on?" Oh great now joeys here.
"She has a crush on E-" he was about to say Erik "I have a crush on ED, that's right" he looked at me stunned. "What's the matter?" I asked him

He pointed behind me. I saw Erik and Ed, great my day can't get any worse can it. "Oh hi u two." I said nervously. Erik rolled his eyes and walked to Lyle and then Ed pulled me to the side. "Do u really have a crush on me?" He asked "no I don't, Lyle was going to tell Joey that I have a crush on Erik." Little did I know Lyle was listening "SO U DO HAVE A CRUSH ON HIM." He shouted "NO I DONT."

*time skip brought to u by Ed*

After a long twenty minutes arguing with Lyle about whether I like Erik or not, we got into the car. I was with Joey,Ed,Erik,Lyle as the rest would meet us there. I was sat in between Lyle and Erik, which wasn't helping me at that stage. "He likes u as well." Lyle whispered in my ear. "Yeah right plus I don't even like him, I'm with LEO if u forgot." "Oh yeah I did forget because u haven't seen him since when" honestly I didn't want to argue with Lyle, I love him as a best friend and I'm glad we have put everything in the past.

"I haven't seen him in two weeks." "So u obviously aren't meant to be, he's probably with another girl right now." After Lyle said that, I went quiet and started to think. What if he is with another girl. Ten minutes went by Erik was asleep and so was Ed, Joey was still driving, Lyle was on his phone and I was just thinking about stuff. "Hey look I'm sorry for what I said but if u haven't seen him in two weeks then there's probably something up." What lyle is saying does make sense, "ur right, I just thought he was the one u know." Lyle put his arm around me. "I know I've been in ur position before. But hey I'm soon to be engaged, u just have to be patient or in ur case admit ur feelings to that person over there."

What if lyle was right, what if I do like Erik? Lyle is like an older brother u can talk to about anything. Erik started to wake up "evening little bro" Lyle said Erik shot up "wait it's evening?" He asked, Lyle smirked down at me "yes it is evening." I was trying to hold in my laugh "wow I missed the beach day." Me and Lyle bursted out with laughter "what's so funny?" Me and Lyle were to busy laughing "they were pranking u bro, it's 11am and we're about five minutes away." Joey replied to him.

After about three minutes me and Lyle stopped laughing. We were getting closer to the beach. "THERE IT IS" I shouted like a four year old. "AY LETS GO." Lyle added "I'm going to bury u in the sand." Erik said looking at Lyle "I can help." I told Erik. He looked at me "no I can do it with Casey and Ed and Joey." I looked down.

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