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Y/n's Pov-

I was already to go, I was wearing leggings with a plain white t-shirts and some air forces. The door bell rang and since I was going to the front door I answered. I opened the door to reveal the brothers and their parents. Isabelle came running to the door but then decided to hide behind my leg. "Dad I'm going now." I shouted he came from the kitchen "ok darling don't be back to late." I hugged him and said goodbye to my family except Joey.

As I was walking to the gate I heard little huffs and puffs. I turned around and saw Isabelle. "What are u doing here?" I asked her "I don't want to stay there." She replied "why not?" She gave me the are u seriously asking me that question face "because the dad is giving me a feeling and I scared Y/nn (your nickname)." I hugged her "don't be scared stay next to dad or mom all the time." Isabelle put her head into the crook of my neck. "Omg is she alright?" Leo asked from behind us. "She's a bit scared of Jose menendez." He laughed "isn't everyone. Now listen hear shall I make a deal with u?" Isabelle shook her head implying yes. "I promise you that I will bring ur sister back at 8:20pm so u don't need to worry." He stuck out his pinky finger and she took it "let's get her back." I said

We walked up to the door and I knocked on it, my dad answered "there u are sweetheart."
After 10 minutes we got to the boba place, "so what are u getting?" Leo asked "purple tea,boba with a little bit of ice." I said smiling "I'm getting ice cream." He says back "do u not like boba?" I asked "I have never tried it." "Omg Leo u need to try it" he grabbed my hand and ordered our things I managed to persuade him to get a boba tea. We talked about our family life and what we wanted to do after we graduated.

It was getting close to 8:10pm and it takes 10 minutes to get to my house, so me and Leo finished our date and started to walk back. "Thanks for tonight." He looked at me "no problem I love spending time with u." He smiled at me which I returned "me too." Leo got a text from someone "I need to go but I will text u later yeah." He kissed my lips. It felt a bit wired like our lips didn't fit together like the puzzle it's meant to be. "Bye" he waved then ran off back to his house.

After ten minutes I got to my house and walked threw the gates. I bumped into someone "what the heck." I looked up to see Erik "what u doing here?" I looked at him "I live here u idiot." He smiled at me which made me smile back, WAIT I SMILED BACK. "Right yeah. So how did ur date go?" I was shocked how did he know "how do u know?" He was thinking of how to reply "I-i ummm ur dad told us." I nodded my head "listen I wanted to say sorry for the incident that happened a few years ago and the thing with Isabelle." His eyes looked at me as they were glossing over. I put my arm around him. "Hay it's ok I have forgiven Lyle so I can forgive u but it may take time for the thing that happened a few years ago."

Erik stood up and put his hand out so I took it and we walked back to my house. I unlocked the door and went to find Isabelle. "Sissy!" I heard a little voice shout. I turned around to find Isabelle running towards me, I opened my arms and she ran into them. "How r u my little munchkin?" I asked her "I'm alright." She smiled.

We both walked into the dinning room. Everyone turned towards me "hello." I felt kind of awkward as everyone was staring at me. "Sit down love." My mom gestured to the chair in between Jose and Erik, "she can sit in my chair I will sit next to my dad." Erik said quickly flashing me a smile. I sat in between him and Lyle.

*Time skip brought to u by Queen Leslie*

Jose and Kitty decided they would go home a little while ago so it's just my parents,me,Isabelle,Joey and the brothers. "Dad" I called for him "Y/n darling how can I help?" I walked up to him "did u tell the menendez family I went on a date with Leo?" He turned around "no I just said u went out with ur friends" he smiled

That's weird I swear Erik said that he told them. "Erik said that u told them." "Darling I didn't he probably just saw." (Is this ringing a bell from an earlier chapter?). I went back to the living room. "Sis wanna play mario kart?" Joey ask "duh imma beat ur asses." I said strutting over. I took at control off of the shelve and sat next to Lyle, every so often I could see Erik looking back at me and Lyle.

I was currently 3rd and Lyle was 2nd, I was speeding and got ahead of Lyle. Little did I know Erik was 1st place. "WAIT! Erik is first place!" I exclaimed. I could see Erik smirk. We were close to the finish line, I felt as though I could win. Erik crossed the finish line. "YESSSSSSS!" Erik jumped in the air "IN UR FACES." I rolled my eyes "it was a fix. I demand another round." Lyle looked at me "I agree with y/n." Joey got up and hugged him "be happy for him man bc next time I'm beating all of u."

"Boys do u want to stay the night or go back home?" My mom asked them "pls may we stay Mrs Montgomery?" Lyle asked "of course u can." My dad walked through the door "right so one of u can stay in the guest room next door to y/n's room and one can bunk on an air mattress in Joey's room." Lyle and Erik looked at each other "I will take the guest room." Erik said, Lyle's eyes widened "Lyle u ok?" I asked "yeah I just thought u would want to bunk up with Joe Erik." Erik shook his head.

Authors note-

Hi, sorry if this is a long chapter but I hope u enjoyed it. Also I'm gonna make a new Erik menendez story and I may make a Lyle menendez one. Pls comment any ideas u have for a Lyle menendez story u want me to write. 💜

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