You're so Kind

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"What do you mean?" she said in slight disbelief.

"I'm almost done with the project."

"So what? You're just gonna pack up your things and leave?"

"I'm not the one leaving."

"Can you just explain what's going on? I'm tired of playing guessing games."

"You won't understand."

"Try me."

"You're gonna start hating me."

"Leave that for me to decide."

"Alright... So... As soon as I open up the portal, Grob is going to come to Earth with his army and take over the planet."


"Everything is corrupt and people are horrible here. He will bring law and order by getting rid of the toxic population."

"So, he is going to take over, destroy our planet, kill us, and you're helping him with that?"

"He is not destroying, he is rebuilding. This is my revenge for my family."

"Viv, killing innocent people won't bring your parents back."

"No one is innocent."

"Are you gonna tell him to kill me too?"

"I have already told him to spare you and the team."

"Oh wow, thank you. You're so kind."

"There's nothing else I can do."

"Are you fucking crazy? You can't be serious about any of this."

"It's all decided and there's not much time left before the big day."

"Unbelievable. I thought you were better than this."

"I have worked my entire life to get this project done. There's nothing that can stop me."

"What if I tell people about this?"

"What would you gain from that?"

"Stop whatever your plan is."

"You wouldn't do that."

"What if I do? You're gonna make them kill me? Or would you rather do it with your own hands?"

"Lisa, this is a chance for the Earth to get better. Gorb will make this the most desirable place in the Universe."


"I know what his plans are."


"Stop whatever THIS is. You know nothing about him."


"I DO."

Lisa started pacing around the room, not saying anything, while I was sitting on the couch, watching her.

"Have you ever fact-checked anything he has told you?" she said, stopping by the couch.

"Why would I do that?"

"What if he had something to do with you parents' death?"


"Think about it. Why would your parents want him to take over our planet?"

"Because it's for our own good."

"Wrong!! Use your brain, Viv."

"I have no idea what you're talking about and I won't let you turn my parents' death into a conspiracy."

"Let's be honest. You agreed to help him because he has brainwashed you into believing that this is what your parents wanted. Why would they want to clear most of the Earth's population and fill it with aliens? Your parents were definitely reasonable, kind people, who would never agree to this plan."

"We don't know what their motives could be."

"Viv, even though you don't always show it, you're the kindest, most good-natured person I have ever met and I am sure you got those qualities from your parents."

"Yet I have agreed to carry on with this plan."

"You are doing this because you're hurt and think this is a good way to take revenge."

"I don't know."

"Hear me out: What if your parents did not agree with Gorb's plan and he decided to kill them and adopt their child to do the job in a few years?"

"Why are you always trying to make him the villain."

"BECAUSE HE IS. You are just blind and can't connect the dots."



"Leave, I don't want you here. You don't understand anything and you want me to believe in your stupid conspiracy theories."

"Giving my theory a thought wouldn't hurt anyone."

"Leave and don't ever come here again. You are being disrespectful to me and my family."

She looked at me and turned around to leave.

"If you tell anyone about any of this, you'll be dead in a matter of minutes. You better trust me on this one."

She said, "Fuck you," and left.

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