Now Is Not the Time

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"As I said, to finish what my parents had started," I replied.

"Why join a football club, then?"

"I did not lie to you about my parents. Everything I told you about them is true. The reason why I joined Arsenal too. Besides, the teleportation will be taking place on our pitch, so everything got lined up perfectly."

"Why choose you to finish the job when Grob could've done it on his own?"

"Well, he can't come to Earth himself because he is not human. They'll be able to do that only through the portal. Plus, my parents put a security system that only unlocks with my DNA."

"So your Grob is simply just using you."

"He's not using me. He raised me, taught me everything, gave me everything, and made all my dreams come true."

"He raised you, so he could use your DNA and make you work on that project. You have no value to him."

"Why are you saying that? You don't know him."

"You grew up in an environment that lacked love and empathy. I don't think I need to know more."

"How do you know?"

"Viv, look at yourself. You literally lacked human emotions when you first got here. It took you months to show emotions and engage in casual conversations. Also, I remember you once telling me that you felt like you were unable to love. Someone, who grew up feeling loved and appreciated would never say that."

"That was a long time ago."

"And? That doesn't change the reality."

"I do know how to love."


"I love you, Lisa."

She stared at me for a while and then said, "Now is not the time."


"Because you just told me some fantasy stories and my mind does not to how to process anything. I don't even know if I trust you."

"Everything I said is true."

"I need some time."

"Well, we don't have too much of it left."

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