Out of Character

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It was getting too late, so we decided to go to bed. We opened our separate sleeping bags and got in.

"You aren't scared of the dark, are you?" Viv asked me after turning off our little lamp.


"Oh, okay."

"We can keep the lamp on, if you want."

"Do you?"

"It's fine for me either way."

She turned it back on.

"Just let me know if it starts bothering you, ok?"

"Okay, okay."

It felt like she wanted to say something, but was holding it back.

"Are you going to sleep now?" she finally said.

"Yeah. Why?"

"Nothing, just wondering."

I turned around, so I could face her.

"Viv, is something bothering you?"

"Nope. All good."

"You know, you can be honest with me."

"Yeah, I know. I just hate the dark and that's it."

"Do you want me to put the other lamp outside the tent?"

"We have another one?"

"Yeah. Let me find it."

"I'll do it."

"No, you stay there."

I got up, found the lamp, and put it outside the tent, so it would be brighter around us. We had put out our fire for safety reasons and the forest made the darkness seem deeper.

"Thank you," she said when I got back in my sleeping bag.

"We can talk to each other until we fall asleep, so you don't think about our surroundings."

"No, I don't want to keep you from sleeping."

"Stop it. I love talking to you."

"I do too," she said with a little smile.

"You've probably been told this a thousand times, but I can't help but say it too."

"Say what?"

"You have a really beautiful smile."

"I've never actually been told that."

"I don't believe it."

"Well, it's true."

"Maybe it's because you barely smile around people."

"Maybe," she said with a smile.

"You're too cute," I said smiling back.

"Now YOU have probably been told a million times that you have the most beautiful smile ever."


"If it wasn't true, we wouldn't be here right now. Your smile is always so genuine and kind that it's impossible to not trust you. You just radiate pureness and love at all times. Besides, it really suits your face."

"That's the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me. Thank you!"

"You deserve everything nice that can happen to a person."

"What's up with you tonight? You're going a bit out of character."

"It's probably from the tea. You poured some type of potion in it, didn't you?."


We both started laughing and it so happened that we looked straight into each other's eyes and that moment felt truly magical. I felt like I was finally getting to know the real Viv.



"What made you come to Arsenal?"

"Oh, my parents were a huge fan of the club and the only picture I have with them is us wearing Arsenal jerseys, so I wanted to play here to feel a bit closer to them."

"Aaawww that's really sweet. I'm glad they loved this club because otherwise we wouldn't have you here."

"Me too."

"So, how are you so good at football without ever playing for a club?"

"Well, I technically did play for a club when my parents were alive."

"Aaawww, a little Viv running around a huge field. Cutest thing EVER."

"They wanted me to be scientists like them, but I was always a bigger fan of chasing footballs, so they took me to a youth club to hopefully make it big one day. They were HUGE football fans."

"Look at you now. Making them proud."

"I don't know about that."

"Believe me, you are."

"That's the only thing I know about my childhood and I got to know it through reading a diary entry of my Mom's. All my memories with them are blurry. Sometimes I feel like I remember certain things, but then I realize that those are only made-up scenarios."

"I'm glad that you have at least something to hold on to."

"Yeah, me too."

"Viv... Thanks for opening up to me. I know this isn't too easy for you, so I really appreciate it.

"I don't know how you do it, but you make me feel safe. For the first time in my life, I'm willing to talk about things that's I've never even thought about out loud."

"You can trust me. Always. And I want you to know that everything we talk about will stay between us. This is a safe space for you."

"Thank you."

"You don't have to thank me for anything."

"Lisa... I am really glad I'm here with you guys and I don't want this to-," she started her sentence and fell asleep halfway through it.

It was really cute to witness, but I wanted to know what she wanted to say.

"We're glad you're here too. Night, Viv."

She mumbled something back and then went quiet again. The most beautiful sleeper ever.

pride month's ending, so i thought we need a bit more gay these days

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