Well, You're Talking to Me

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We finally arrived at the campsite and got Joe's instructions on what we were supposed to do. There was a scroll of paper that said:

"You will now be separated into your pairs and travel in different directions. Don't forget that this is a team bonding activity after all, so keep your radio communication devices on you at all times. Communication between the pairs is going to be key to solving the puzzles.
Each of you will now receive your first challenge and get going.
Have fun, take care of each other, and, most importantly, be aware of the bears. Just kidding (or maybe not, who knows?)"

Viv and I started walking North, to the direction of a little hut that was supposed to have a hint for our next challenge.

"I know you don't like getting help, but I can carry the tent when you get tired," I told Viv a few minutes into the hike.

"Sorry if I sounded rude back then."

"It's ok. I get it."

"I don't really like getting help from others."

"We all want what's best for each other here."

"Yeah... I don't know."

"I'm serious."

"I just don't feel like people are trustworthy, you know?"

"What makes you think so?"

"My past."

"Got it... You're hurt. Hope we can change your mind, though," I said, smiling to her.

"Everyone hates me anyways."

"Who does?"

"The team."

"No, they don't."

"I can feel it. It's ok, though. I didn't expect anything to begin with."

"Everyone on the team loves you. They just don't show it much because they think you'd hate that."

"So they're scared of me."

"Terrified... Since, you know, you're an alien monster," I said and pushed her.

She laughed and made some monster sounds.


"In all seriousness, though, we are very glad that you're here. Both on and off the pitch."

"I don't know about that. I barely talk to anyone."

"Maybe you should start, then."

"I just think it's all pointless."

"Well, you're talking to me now."

"Do I even have a choice?"

"No, you don't, but that's beside the point."

"I'm not planning on staying here for long, so I don't wanna get attached or anything."

"What? Why?"

"Long story."

"Your parents?"

"Umm, yeah, kinda."

"Got it... We don't want you to leave, though. I, for sure, don't."

She smiled again.


We didn't say anything else until we got to the hut. There, we were quickly able to find the hints and tell them to the girls. A few hours and a couple more challenges later, we were finally done with day one.

The OutsiderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora