(3) Lingering question

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What a ridiculous request.

Jeongguk had been done for the day. He had plans for dinner and sleep.

He was not going to wait around for this guy who looked like he thought Peterpan was real.


He remained rooted to his place outside the room.

He had to leave.

Yet he couldn't bring himself to imagine the elder's eyes looking around for Jeongguk when he came out and not finding him.

Jeongguk sighed and gingerly settled down on the floor outside.

He took out a chocolate bar from his bag and munched on it when he heard it.

His voice.

The maknae was mesmerized by Taehyung's deep tenors.

He leaned his head back while Taehyung's voice ebbed and flowed around him.

After almost an hour, Taehyung stepped out while Jeongguk stood up, picking up his bag. Taehyung's face lit up. "You waited."

He could see the little stars in the elder's eyes, the way his little gasp turned into a smile.

He would always wait, he decided.

Jeongguk nodded and started walking towards the stairs. He felt an arm around him, which made him flinch.

Taehyung lifted his hands up in apology. "Ah, mianhae."

Jeongguk smiled. "No problem."

A part of him wanted the elder's arm around him. Jeongguk had alienated himself from physical touch for too long but in quiet moments when he saw Taehyung leaning his head on Hoseok's shoulder after practice, or Seokjin having an arm around Yoongi explaining him a bad joke, or Namjoon ruffling Taehyung's hair, Jeongguk too, craved it.

Taehyung jumped the last step and landed on the road before turning around to face Jeongguk.

"Say Jeongguka-" he pulled the straps of his bag. "It's Sunday tomorrow."

Jeongguk raised an eyebrow. "I noticed, hyungnim."

"Well, would you-" Taehyung looked away and scratched the back of his head, and if Jeongguk didn't know any better, he could conclude that Taehyung was a little nervous.

It looked cute.

Extraordinarily cute.

"You won't have school."

Jeongguk let out a soft laugh. "You wouldn't have school either, hyung."

"Y-yeah, I mean- aish-" he swatted Jeongguk's shoulder. "You wanna go to the Han River Park tonight?"

"Why?" Jeongguk asked.

Taehyung shrugged. "No reason, just to roam."

Jeongguk considered the answer. He had never gone somewhere just to roam.

Buying groceries, yes. Shopping, yes. Movie, yes. Karaoke, yes. Food, yes. Doing chores, yes.

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