D4 Female - Amabel Trython - Task 4 [AwesoMEbeing_]

Start from the beginning

"Need help?" a familiar voice spoke.

I looked up to see Seaver, looking curiously at me. Lumen was standing behind her, as they were chained together. He looked like he was observing us quietly. I hesitated for a while, but then I realized that it must not take longer. I nodded and told her what she's supposed to search for.

It wasn't long before Seaver and Lumen came back, handing me the herbs I needed. Then, I did what was said in the book, and applied the medicine to myself.

"You okay now?" Seaver asked once I shakily stood up.

I nodded. "Yeah, it'll do. I'm a bit dizzy because of the blood loss, but I'm fine. Besides, it's better than dying, right?"

She smiled. "Yeah, I suppose."

"Let's go," I said, taking the lead even though I didn't know where the others went off to. The pair silently followed behind me, making no more of a sound than their boots stepping on the dead leaves on the ground.

From the distance, I spotted Miles and Tobias, along with a couple of other remaining tributes. It surprised me that we were this few. I mean, it looked like there were only about ten of us left, and yet it seemed like only a day has passed.

We jogged towards them, taking cautious steps when we passed the others who aren't allies, then stopping just beside Tobias. He called our alliance's attention and announced, "It's a truce."

Relief flooded through me, knowing that I could worry less about having another knife stabbed through me. Still, I don't think we should let our guard down.

We walked near the edge of the ravine, and I shot the other tributes a warning look. They're gonna regret it when they push one of us off.

The ravine was deep, and it was a long fall before one reaches the bottom, where there was a bank of rapid running water. I was sure that if one fell, they fell to their death, either because of their obvious inability to climb back up since it would be a long climb, or because of the sharp, pointed rocks scattered around the river.

On the other side, however, was a low building which probably only reaches up to one floor. There were doors on it, facing us. Centered above those doors was a wall clock, its hands barely seen because of our distance, yet still could be made out.

"Not that witch again," I suddenly heard Seaver mutter under her breath, along with other tributes who created some whispered noise.

I looked up to see Occisora across from us, on the other side of the ravine, a smile on her sickening face. "Hello, my dears."

I couldn't help but roll my eyes. I think that's what I always hear at the start of her every speech here in the arena. I know that means that she's not gonna bring or say any good news. I mean, it's not like I'm expecting anything good to happen at this point.

"You have come a long way and you are very nearly there. Behind me are nine doors, one for each of you. That is, —" cue in the bad news. "— if you can make it this far. Behind the door you will be safe but first, of course, you must reach the door."

"The only way across the ravine is by using that wire," she said, pointing at a thick metal wire. It hung from our side of the ravine to Occisora's side. "Some of you will fall to your deaths but if you stay on that side of the ravine you will certainly die."

Great, just great. All of my ideas on how I could get across safely required a partner, and, of course, being chained to my partner. I didn't think I'd regret killing Jasper until now.

Occisora jabbed her thumb in the direction of the clock behind her. "When that clock strikes one, the woods, and everything in it, will explode. You all have one hour to make it to safety."

She flashed us a cruel smile before blowing us a kiss, making me even more irritated. I pulled out the knife I had tucked in my weapons belt and was about to aim it at her when she suddenly flickered out.

Nothing but a hologram.

"Dumb move though," Lumen spoke up, appearing beside me with Seaver close by.

"What? Nah, I think it was brilliant!" Seaver grinned, patting me on the back. "If only it was really her. I'm sick of all these 'oh-wait-she's-not-the-real-Occisora-it's-just-another-hologram's."

Lumen rolled his eyes. "Whatever. Let's just find out how to cross that wire."

"Well, how about we wait for all of them to cross first?" Tobias piped in, chuckling as he watched the other four crowd around the wire, fighting over who would go first.

I squinted at the clock, trying to read it, when Miles spoke up, "there's only forty-five minutes left."

"I think there's still plenty of time," Seaver shrugged, crossing her arms. She joked, "how 'bout some coffee?"

Tobias chuckled, but Lumen, once again, rolled his eyes. Miles, however, kept rocking back and forth on his heels. Seaver looked at him with one of her eyebrows raised. "Do you need to pee? Don't worry, Tobias won't look."

Tobias' face turned into a light shade of red as Seaver burst out laughing. "I'm kidding. I meant to say that he'll do his best not to look."

"Okay, that's it. I see that you want to fall into that deep ravine first," Tobias said, going with Seaver's jokey mood. "Be my guest."

He tried grabbing her but ended up dragging Miles behind him instead. Seaver, on the other hand, ended up tripping over Lumen many times as she tried to run away from Tobias while Lumen refused to be pulled behind her.

"Hey, I think they're finished crossing the wire," I said, looking at the remaining others, and seeing that there were three left. I sighed when I realized that only one fell and died. Or maybe will die. There still wasn't a cannon sound.

"Finally! Let's go!" Miles happily exclaimed, ready to cross the wire as ever.

He pulled Tobias behind him, and the three of us follow.

They stood near the edge, just in front of the wire. I looked at the clock and realized that there were only twenty minutes left.

Wow, those four really did take their time.

I saw Tobias whisper something to Miles, and soon enough, Tobias was putting his left foot on the wire. He took a while on steadying himself on the wire before stepping sidewards to let Miles step beside him also.

Lumen softly nudged my side, calling my attention. "Wanna go first?"

I looked at him, almost going to refuse the offer, but I could see that he was okay with it. That's better than going last and having less time with concentrating on crossing the wire when the thought of exploding to bits dawns upon you.

Tobias and Miles just finished crossing when I noddedat Lumen. "Sure, thank you."

There was only fifteen minutes left when I stepped onto the wire, freezing when it shook a bit. When I was certain that I was balanced, I put my other foot on, copying Tobias' position earlier facing right.

I wasn't great at balancing, that was for sure. So I was almost halfway through when I almost lost my balance, leaning forward then backward, trying to regain my balance. I heard Tobias yelling out instructions, but my heartbeat was too loud.

I ended up falling into a crouch with both of my hands gripped tightly on the rope on either sides of me. I stepped sideways until I reached the end.

Seaver and Lumen made it just in time before the forest exploded, leaving nothing but dust in the air, forcing us to seek shelter behind the doors, but it turned out shelter wasn't as pleasant as we thought.

At first, the room was dark, but then the light gradually brightened up until it was just as bright as outside. It was when I realized that I was outside the school back at home.

It was a small park where Myrtle and I used to hang out. I could still remember when she gave me her pep talks when I was feeling down, and that small surprise I gave her on her latest birthday. The emptiness of the place made me feel lonelier than ever. I wish I could go back and bring back time.

Everybody has something that's killing them inside, and, for me, it had always been loneliness. I may have had a best friend like Myrtle, but I still felt something missing. I still felt lonely yet I didn't know why.

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