15* Real Cultism I

Start from the beginning

I know a liar when I see one but that girl that came to me? She was no liar. I had felt her sadness and despair. I could feel her drowning in sorrow because of everything that had happened with AY so this ridiculous theory about her not being his girlfriend was just utter and plain bullshit.

But still, I wanted to know why Tania made that conclusion so I asked, "So, let's assume she's not his girlfriend, why'd she come to me then? It's not adding up, it makes no sense."

Tania kissed her teeth loudly, "You said she told you not to try to find out who the dealers are, right?"

I nodded.

"Then, they probably sent her to warn you."

"Who?" My voice was barely above a whisper.

"The dealers, the cult people, or whoever you choose to call them." She announced and I couldn't help the loud hiss that escaped from my mouth.

To think that I thought Tania would make sense.

"You think my theory is ridiculous?"

"I know your theory is ridiculous," I replied her, completely dismissing her and her theories, "This is real life, Tania, not those fictional Wattpad worlds that you guys are creating. Don't be ridiculous."

I didn't even wait for her reply again before I started to turn back to my laptop.

"Real life or not, most people come with the least expected plot twists. You can never say never."

She replied to me with a note of finality and absoluteness in her voice and I barely nodded at her words because what was I even expecting from Tania? She was the queen of ridiculous scenarios.

The door creaked open at that point and we both turned towards it to see Dunni making her way in. She seemed a little bit lost and disoriented as she made her way in a very skimpy beige-colored short that left the whole of her legs bare with an off-white crop top that was exposing her left shoulder and chest because of how the sleeve was.

She was dressed in a way that'd make any hot-bloodied man go crazy with just looking at her.

"Good evening Tania," She greeted monotonously without even sparing a glance in our direction and she walked closer to her wardrobe, took off her clothes, wrapped a pink towel around her body, started to make her way to the bathroom, only to stop short when she saw me.

"Oh, Nadia," She chirped, her facial features lighting up in what looked like exaggerated happiness as she looked at me as if I was her favorite person in the whole world, "I didn't know you were here,"

She told me and while I was still trying to wrap my head around why she was talking to me as if we were best of friends, she moved closer, bent to my level and she kissed me on both cheeks.

Dunni actually kissed me on both cheeks.

What in...

"I'll be back, I need to have my beauty shower."

She told me as if we were more than mere partners for our project and I just kept staring at her, at her slightly curvy frame with the towel wrapped around her body and her hair neatly packed into a nude shower cap.

I turned to Tania who my now, had her phone on her lap and was busy glancing at it from time to time.

She was waiting for her boyfriend to come back online.

I looked away from her, left her to wallow in her loneliness and I started to read the article all over again while telling myself mentally that that'd be the last time I'd reread it.

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