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when i met you.
chapter thirty -


IT WAS summer by that time. Hot weather- it almost felt like someone was about to melt away from this day. A year had already passed since the family moved out, the young protagonist wasn't still familiar with the places. Eito is the one who keeps on going outside, playing games with other kids in the neighborhood while she just stay inside and read books. Either ways, she wouldn't stand a chance outside for too long.

"C'mon," Eito pulls her fragile arm as she take a grip on the corners of the wall- keeping him away from her figure. "Let's go outside and play. You've been staying in for too long now, you look so pale."

"That's because I don't like summer," [Name] reasoned out.

Eito snaps his head at his little sister, "I'll buy Ice Cream for you then we'll go visit Shinichiro and Katsuo." And continues to pull her arm out while whining. "C'mon! You're so stubborn!!"

"I said it before and I'll say it again. I don't wanna go outside!" [name] was hanging onto her life, her dear life- hoping that her grip was strong enough so that she wouldn't be taken away from his older brother to the outside world- where she would die by the time she would take a step.

Them being kids will only become a fever dream, time starts to go fast and everything will disappear. By the time a child would blink- the once colorful happy wonderland they had been living turns into a gray corrupted world. It's a horror for every people.

In the end, Eito had persuaded the younger. Sweat stars to drip down her moist face as they both walked through the streets. Heads on clouds, [name] never payed attention around her area as the siblings passes by places. Her hand welcomed by the warmth of her elder- rough texture she could feel. The sound of shoes clacking on the ground, the hot summer breeze passing by, the bird's chirping- flying towards their destination.

As long both siblings are together, nothing would go wrong. They both will have each other and the world will be fine. That's what Eito would think.

The only person he has left. The only person whom he would put his trust on. The only person who'll risk his life for. It's his younger sibling. No matter how hard life goes on, he would leave and erase himself from the younger's life just to keep her safe yet it will only make him feel bad for the both of them.

[name]'s head started to ache, the heat of the sun has partaking its effect- the younger could faint any moment. [name] pulls onto her brother's sleeve, "Eito. My head hurts."

Her brother turns, his face starting to look panicked. "Um, stay over there!" He pointed out at the playground, specifically at the area where it has lots of shade. Eito's grasp lets go from his youngest sibling, running to a store where he could find to buy her some cold drinks for the both of them and a Ice Cream, just like he promised. "I'll be right back! Just stay there and don't leave!"

[name] gulped, taking a seat on the dirty ground but she didn't cares. She needs to protect by the ragging sun that has been attacking her the moment she stepped out from her house. Her arms wrapping around her knees, keeping them near to her chest. Hoping that her brother would come back by the time she would open her eyes once again.

But she was wrong. [name] was introduced by a unfamiliar young man- he looked around by her age. Black short hair, a grin on his face- he was holding a cold drink on his hands. [name] doesn't know this man, it's not even her brother. Even so, she kept an eye on the bottle the young man that stood before her.

"Hey," He says, taking a seat shamelessly. "I haven't seen you before. Are you new to this neighborhood?" Grinning, showing his fangs whilst asking at the silent girl.

There was no reply. [name] hesitated wether she should talk at the ravenette beside her. She was only taking the advice of her older brother- that she shouldn't talk to strangers.

He had noticed it, how the young girl beside him was sweating. Apprehending that the person beside him was weak to summer heat, he gave his cold drink at her. "You're sweating," [name] turns her head at the sound of his voice. She gulps, not expecting that she would be welcomed by the cold drink.

"Here, you could have it." They were both kids- staying and living in this mindless world. [name] had already acknowledged that.

Taking the bottle out from his grasp, [name] quickly chugs down the cold contents of the drink. It made her refreshed from the hot day, slowly forgetting about her brother who was supposed to be staying with her.

The man beside [name] laughs, before standing up, "I'm Baji Keisuke. You don't have to tell your name, I'll come back to find you."

short chap its Ok next chapter is gonna be long Probably

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