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perfect day.
chapter twenty -


THE WIND welcomes you by the time you opened the door. The birds chirping, flying away as you walk towards the railings of the rooftop. It was the perfect day for you to relax. You sighed, asking yourself why you had to meet Kisaki at a time like this- You had to do it because of Mitsuya. Kisaki said something about him which lured you to where you are standing now.

A thought of deja vu. Everything seems familiar, every since the day you woke up today. When you wrote down your notes from class to walking your way up the building, the wind hitting you softly- hair dancing in a direction together with your school uniform. And thinking all of this gave you a minor headache.

Letting out a groan, you held your head. Massaging it to ease the pain, "It's getting hard to breathe. Is it because of the heat?- No, it's not that hot today." Your grip on the railing tightens, "Maybe I overworked myself yesterday..."

But you always overwork yourself though. Each day you were being placed with new different kinds of responsibilities, becoming overwhelmed by a thing called change.

It was lull. It felt like you can sleep any minute now, closing your eyes forever. Forgetting about everything- the world, the people, promises, desires, anything left precious from you. You want to end it all. You were scared, always scared about the future. A future in which beloveds dying each day, no other ways to save them.

Nonsense, everything will become nonsense. Gifts and fond memories will no longer be remembered- all of it will just turn into a thought. A thought where memories would eventually just disappear at the back of your head. No point of retrieving it, it's useless.

Why do you still live in the past? Is it because if the guilt you had received at such a young age? Big burdens weighing you down- it's hard to get back up. But didn't someone saved you? That person is no longer here, snap out of it.

The door opened, revealing a troubled Takemichi with Chifuyu from behind; both were breathing heavily, they were out of breath. You flinched hearing the loud noise from behind, quickly turning your back facing at the figures.

'Hanagaki-san and... Matsuno-san?' You were lost in mind. Why are their faces looks so perturbed?

"[last name]-senpai, we can talk this out. Just don't kill yourself!" Takemichi cries out, panting as sweat runs down his pale face. "We'll help you, I promise!"

'Kill myself?' Your brows furrowed, 'Why would I do that?'

"Senpai, I'll listen to your worries. All of it!" Chifuyu adds, his heart beating fast. You dying here right and now? Not a chance. He's not accepting it. "Senpai, come back to us! Don't go! You can't go yet..."

Chifuyu hates it, he definitely hates it. It felt like he was slowly getting attached to you. And after hearing what Takemichi said last night which was about the future and all he was in shock. He couldn't believe you died, not only that Toman became the most feared criminal organization in Japan. He does not want that future, not one bit of it. That is why he will annihilate this so called destiny for you.

Hearing their pleads made you feel somewhat valued, you're definitely not alone. But are you willing to let them enter your world filled with broken glass on the ground. You bet no one can help you clean the mess up, its better off to keep a certain distance between the people who is trying to help you.

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