Chapter 33 || The First Battle

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It happened so fast I couldn't even blink. It was like the first wave came, then the second, then the third, and then the fourth, but this was supposed to be a fifth wave. No. It was our first battle with everything all at once.

"We need to do a reverse method," Percy said, the panic in his gaze clear to see, "How'd Order get so many monsters and allies?"

He took out binoculars, gazing out of them.

"There's got to be at least 100,000 of them," he said, "We're outnumbered."

"You'll have to use your exploding thing," Luke said to him, "No other choice, Perce. You'll take out about one thousand of them, that at least takes that much off the campers' backs. Then, they've got 90,000."

"That's still too much!" Zoë argued, "And if Percy wants to take out 10,000, he'd be out for at least five days. That takes up too much power! He could die from that, Luke! Do you know how serious that is?"

"I'm not saying he should die, Zoë!" Luke argued.

We all sat in the mess hall, watching as the monsters were hiking towards the hill. The campers had never seen them argue like this... I mean... their faces were usually stoic.

"Thou art hope not or thy fist shall meet thy head!"

"Hey, hey, hey," Bianca put a hand between the two people, "Break it up. We've got no time."

"They've got their strongest ranks in the front and the back," Beckendorf said from where he was aiming a telescope at the army, "The safest way is to have the strongest groups go first, then come back to rest, then go again. No other way."

"But we aren't the only ones that can flip it around," Silena argued, "What if Order decides?"

"Judging by what we saw in the clip, Order doesn't command her army on the spot," Ethan shook his head, "If the army changes her plans while she's not there, which I doubt she is because she's chained up in the Void, they'll be killed. The plans won't change."

"Lee, get a good view," Percy commanded, looking out at the army. "If this is the first battle, just imagine what the second will be like."

"Imagine?" Micheal scoffed, "I don't have enough healers!"

"Where are the f**king gods?" Percy sighed bitterly, "There aren't any giants but godly help would be appreciated."

"Don't ask them to come down now," Luke shook his head, "The army will take them down the moment they see them flash into camp. All we can do is send a message and hope they come down at the last and final wave. That's the strongest."

We were all armed, ready to jump into battle.

"I'll hit them with a thousand blast first," he decided, "Then we'll have a head start."

"And what about the end?" Zoë raised an eyebrow, "You can't expect--"

"Zoë what do you think I'm gonna do?" Percy turned on her, "How many times have I done that blast and almost died?"

"Well... let's see... one hundred?"

"So me doing it again won't make any difference," Percy argued, "We're running out of time. I'll do the first blast, Group A goes out first, I'll go in and take a moment so you won't mom me out on the battlefield, then I'll come back out. Okay? I'll just do another blast at the end to finish off the rest of the monsters if they haven't fled."

Zoë bit her lip and Bianca sighed.

"It's the best plan we've got," she admitted, "But be careful, Percy."

I watched as Percy walked out in his uniform, hardly any armor on, and the monster crested the hill. They all let out splitting screeches as they ran down. Great. Just one thousand of them. Percy slashed through some with his sword before he began to glow a deep blue. It glowed so bright it seared into my eyes before it all came out in one blast.

"F**k," Luke cursed, putting a shield up to prevent the cabins and the big house to be destroyed.

The monsters all blasted into gold dust and the next wave rolled in. Percy sprinted back into the house.

"Go!" he yelled, pointing out the door.

We all raced out into the battlefield just as Percy took a shot of nectar. I hacked at a hellhound the moment I got out. I understood just then how intense this battle was. I parried a strike from a dracnae, reminding myself to not listen to their words.

"Sleep, daughter of Athena... Sleep..."

And as they talked, my mind got tired. I felt my eyelids drooping but I forced them to stay awake, cutting through the snake lady like she was butter. I ducked as I sensed a club being thrown at my head by a huge cyclops. I kicked it straight in the stomach before punching it in the face.

"Get off, jerk!" I yelled and it disintegrated.

The Chaos Army was destroying everything in their way and I was shocked to say the least. Piper was watching in awe, too, not aware of the monster pulling up behind her.

"NO!" I heard a yell and saw Jason pushing her out of the way, the sword slicing into his shoulder.

"JASON!" Piper screamed.

"Get him to Micheal!" Luke barked and Piper nodded.

"I've got this," I said to her reassuringly, cutting through the monster and flipping as they tried to burn me.

"Zoë!" I called as a bunch of monsters began to swing from the trees.

Soon enough, silver arrows all protruded from their necks. I nodded at her before flipping back into battle. I stared at the diminishing amount of monsters. I twirled around and punched one in the face as Bianca shot it in the side. It fell to the floor with a sickening grunt before it hissed and it burst into dust.

"We've got about ten left!" Lee yelled, "Get Group B!"

Silena ran in.

"GROUP B!" she called and when the last monster was gone, we all raced inside.

Percy, along with Group B, went out to face the next wave. I had no injuries, just a bruise on my hip, but when I looked over at Jason, I could see his face white with pain, Piper sitting next to him.

"He'll be fine," Micheal reassured her, "Here."

Micheal pressed some weird purple liquid into Jason's wound, only a drop, and Jason's face held more color and the wound almost disappeared.

"What... What was that?" Piper frowned.

"Chaos Nectar. It's special nectar only used if the victim is to stand up immediately. It shouldn't be given otherwise because it doesn't allow the body proper time to heal properly, but in emergencies, it's okay."

Jason nodded and stood up, walking over to me.

"You guys okay?" I asked.

"We're good now," Jason breathed, leaning on Piper.

"Gods, I'd kill to sink this dagger into Order's throat," Hazel groaned.

"But if you did, there'd be a higher chance of her killing you," Frank said, "And I couldn't live with myself if that happened."

I Was Percy Jackson (A Percy Jackson Betrayed Fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang