Chapter 17 || Training Starts

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We were all in a meeting now, sitting in the mess hall. We waited for a good minute before Percy walked in, again, blood matted all over his shirt.

"Sorry, I'm late. You won't believe how many criminals go near this camp!" he said with no expression, sitting down next to Luke. "So. Training."

"Yes?" I asked hesitantly.

"I understand you're all... counselors here," he said coldly and I shivered.

"Y-Yes," I said.

"So," he continued, "I have battle training prepared for you all."

"Per--Thalost... Y-You're training us?" Piper whispered.

Percy stared at her before scoffing.

"No way! I'd rather die than train you!" he gave a humorless laugh before turning serious again, "I have matters to attend first that determine how I will finish your training."

"Like... what?" Frank asked, fearing the worst.

"You must swear you're all on Chaos's side. On the River Styx."

"We swear," they all said and thunder rumbled.

"As none of you have been vaporized... I assume it's safe."

Percy closed all the doors, shut all the blinds, and soundproofed the room. He made a bubble around us to cancel noise and took a deep breath.

"I'm going to spy in person at Order's headquarters."

Everyone, including the army, spluttered. And that was strange because normally, the army never spluttered.

"But... Thalost, you can't!" Luke exclaimed.

"Tell me why not, Luke?" Percy raised his right eyebrow.

"Because... that's so f**king dangerous!" Zoë snapped, "Do you know what could happen if your cover is blown?"

"Do you know how much valuable information we could hold? Our only problem is that we don't know how Order fights. If we train based on what we know about Order, we'll have a higher chance of succeeding."


But she's your AUNT, Perce. She'll know it's you and when she does, she'll use you to lure Chaos! It's a bad idea! Plus, you already know so much! Luke said through my mind.

No, Luke. Chaos made sure to hide me from her. She has no idea she even HAS a nephew! I need to gain information, Luke! I've never met her! I replied back.

Percy, you're gonna DIE, Zoë protested.

Order, if she finds out, she's gonna DESTROY you, Silena added, It's not smart to risk yourself like that!

I don't have another choice, guys! It's either we get information with risks, or we get nothing and we die either way. It's a gamble! I said until someone interrupted.

"I'm sorry," Reyna suddenly said, "But if you're gonna talk to each other through your minds, at least let us in on the conversation."

I rolled my eyes.

"I am going to spy. That's final," I glared at my army, "They were just protesting and telling me not to go, which... I don't take orders from others."

I released the bubble and the barriers and laid out the training charts.

"Each group will rotate with each of the commanders through the course of each day. I am not a monster, I will include breaks between each transition, but this is to happen everyday. Trust, my army has the best medics and mentors. While you train, I'll be with Order. Good day, I have to speak with my father."

"Poseidon?" Annabeth suddenly said and I stiffened.

"No, Athena spawn."

And I left. I flashed to Chaos and Chaos looked up, startled, turning off the anime playing on his TV.

"Oh... ahem... sorry, Percy. Didn't see you there... Is everything going okay?"

"Well, yeah. But uhm... I got an idea that I can't tell anyone but you."

"Okay?" Chaos frowned, closing the door and making another soundproof bubble.

"I'm going to spy with Order."

Chaos shook his head immediately.


"Please, Chaos? She doesn't even know I exist!"

"She won't let you in!"

"She'll let me in when she realizes my power!"

"And how do you explain how Chaos's aura got on you?" Chaos hissed.

"I'll say you tried to recruit me! She knows me as a deadly assassin who doesn't take sides! She doesn't know I'm your commander, let alone her nephew. I don't know how she fights now or how she fought before, but I need information in order to structure the battle planning."

Chaos looked at me and sighed.

"Very well. But you need this."

He handed me a small lollipop.

"What's this?"

"This is how you'll get out in case of an emergency. You'll suck on it. It may take a little while, but it's the only way you can get out of the Void. It has a trigger to your saliva on it."

"What? And that's... gross. Order's in the Void?"

"It's where she's imprisoned. And the only way she'll trust you is if you can free her from the chains, which is already a bad step. Percy... you'll have to gain her trust first. And Order's not as dumb as most think she is. She's smarter than anyone I know."

"Well," I smirked, "Let's test that."

"Percy, you need to listen to me," Chaos said, putting his arms on my shoulders, "You are my only son. And if I lost you, the world would end. So stay safe, Percy. Find a way... but get out if it's too dangerous."

"Okay, Dad. Love you."

I hugged him tightly before he let go and I flashed back to camp, startling all the campers, who were busy getting ready for training.

"I'm assuming everything's going great?" I looked at everyone.

"Yep," Luke said before turning to me, the stone mask he wore falling off of his face and turning into a face of concern. "Stay. Safe. Don't leave us, okay? We love you, Perce. We all do."

They all gave me one massive hug before I sighed, looking at the little lollipop.

"Well..." I put it away in a place no one could find it, "I'll be going now."

I opened a portal.

"One more hug?"

They all gave me a huge hug before I stepped in the portal and I was at the edge of the Void. I took out chains and wrapped my wrists and ankles, tucking in my wings and promising myself they couldn't come out. With that, I launched myself into the abyss that could only belong to the worst people in the universe.

Hello, Void.

I Was Percy Jackson (A Percy Jackson Betrayed Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now