Chapter 3 || Another Encounter

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I'm 745 years old now. Seriously! But I literally look and feel like a seventeen-year-old. This time, I was hunting for Rithman Opidum, a rapist, murderer, and kidnapper. You can guess what happens to his victims. The only problem is... he's so f**king hard to catch! I've been trailing him for the past year now!

Now, I was hunting for him while he was in action. A report for a missing twelve-year-old girl had rose on Planet Ugimi and judging by how Rithman plays, I guessed he was going to rape her. And that is just wrong. I suited up, grabbed my weapons, and shadow-traveled out of my home base. I used the shadows all across the planet to search. That's when I found Rithman. In an abandoned alleyway with the poor girl tied up behind a trashcan.

I transformed into a raven and watched from the roof of the nearby building. I calculated his moves and stood up, taking out my bow and arrow. And I fired. I watched from the shadows as my arrow soared through the sky and hit him right in the back. I stepped out of the shadows and slammed my sword onto his neck, cutting his head clean off.

"A fitting death," I sighed, wiping the blood off my sword and sheathing it.

The twelve-year-old girl cowered under my glance.

"Don't worry," I said, "I'm not gonna hurt you."

"I-I want... I want to see your face... b-before I can trust you."

Smart girl. How the f**k did no one think of this sooner?

"It's okay if you don't trust me. But I'm gonna get you out of here and back to your family."


"Oh f**k."

I saw policemen with their guns raised.

"You have been spotted at the scene of the crime! Who are you?"

"Oh... police officers... I'm Thalost. Assassin of the Universe. Bane of all evil."

The police officers immediately lowered their guns and bowed.

"NOOO!" I groaned, "WHY IN CHAOS DID YOU BOW--oh shit."

A poof appeared next to me and there was... Chaos. All mighty Chaos in action.



I flame-traveled and heard the creator of the universe groan.


I landed in my home base, where I crossed Rithman's name off the list. I quickly made some blue mac n' cheese and flopped down on my couch, taking off my assassin gear. Underneath, I was just a boy. A 745-year-old boy. I looked the same as the day they betrayed me. I'm a few inches taller, but still, you could recognize me. My battle scars haven't faded. Just like the pain of the past.

It still sits there. Like a deadly virus. Waiting to eat me up. And to make myself feel better, I turned on my TV and played Finding Nemo. Again, I'm obsessed. I hugged my Nemo plushie and it painfully reminded me of my time in camp and at home with my mom and Paul... and Estelle. Estelle... who I never even got to meet. Because Fate gets awful the moment you are about to see something amazing.

Like the first sibling you ever had.

After my movie marathon, a package arrived at my door at 4:51 AM sharp.

"Package for... Unknown?"

I frowned, walking up to the door. I peeked out of the peep hole and saw no one there. The delivery guy had left. I opened the package inside and found... a whole case of blue coke, blue candy, and a brand new weapon. Attached was a note.

Dear Thalost,

Hi. This is Chaos. I don't know where you are, but this package should've arrived... wherever you are. Don't ask how I know its your birthday. I can sense everyone's birthdays on them all the time. Yours is August 18th, 1993, 4:51 AM. Strange... you were born on the same day an Earth hero was born. Everyone in the galaxy knows his name. It's Percy Jackson. And also, don't ask how I know you like blue food. The last time I saw you I saw you hoarding everything that was blue, including blue coke and blue candy.

I really want to ask you to consider my offer. To join the Army of Chaos as my commander and heir to the universe. You've had a literal 689 years to think about it. You're 746 years old. It's time to make your decision, Thalost. Even if you're immortal. Please join my army.

Sincerely, Chaos

Damn! I even forgot today was my birthday! I guess time really does fly... Just like my urge to celebrate. Celebration... something I never do anymore. But for some reason, today I ate blue candy and blue coke. For the first time in centuries.

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