Chapter 24 || My Escape Attempt

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I knew it was time to leave. No matter if Hannah trusted me or not. So I prepared to leave. But... I hesitated. I was standing in the middle of the clearing with all my stuff packed. Hesitating. I felt my wings fight to pop out of my back. In the Void, if you're a Chaos Angel, your wings pop out of your back if you are acting like or being a good person.

"Thalost!" Parker rushed over to me. "Sorry, I've been training hard and..."

My wings decided to pop out.

"F**k," I cursed.

I knew my secret was out now. No turning back.

"Y-You're an angel!" Parker gasped, staring at me.

Suddenly, I was in front of Order. Shit. Order stared at me with an expression I've never found on her face before. Surprise. Shock. But then, it was overcome with anger.

"You're a Chaos Warrior," she hissed.

All the commanders were there, staring at me. But the gaze I couldn't stand was Hannah's. Full of betrayal. Full of shock. But above all... a look of sadness. Tears filling her orange eyes and falling down her brown princess curls. Just like Annabeth's. I felt chains being wrapped around my wrists and ankles and Order growled.

"Take him to the dungeons!"

So I was taken. But the last look I took was of Hannah, who was staring at me all the way.


All I could feel was pain. In my chest. Everywhere. The one person I had trusted was my enemy. With his beautiful Chaos wings--Hannah! Snap out of it! I stared after him and turned to Order.

"Back to your original positions. Parker, you're second. Back to seven commanders."

I felt numb. The one person I'd fallen for was now a person I'd have to fight.


We were all tired out this time. On the floor, panting. I heard the thumping of hooves that signaled Chiron was here. 

"Whoa... uhm... is this too rough?" he motioned to the campers who were passed out on the floor.

"No. Their stamina is just too low," Luke said, "Right now, we're training on getting their stamina to its greatest using a method our commander taught us."

At the sound of 'commander' I stood upright, ignoring the ache in my bones.

"Campers," Luke said, awaking everyone, passed out or just on the floor, "We have a simple exercise for you all to do. To build your stamina."

"How are we supposed to do that? We're already beat!" An Ares camper yelled.

"You are going to become one with your core."

"Ooh! I've heard about this!" I whispered to Piper.

"How does it work?"

"It's hard, but you become more powerful and your stamina increases once you become one with it. Your core is basically the source of your life and power. If you connect to it, you'll obviously become more powerful."

"As Ms. Chase clearly stated before I could, you are connecting to your core, which is your life and power source."

All the campers began to murmur and whisper to each other, their suspicions thrown into the air.

"Silence!" Luke tried.


"SHUT UP!" Zoë screamed and we all turned. "That's how you get it done, Luke."


Order had me in chains. Nice. And to make it even fancier for her nephew, she added in some diamonds on top. Now, I look like Gucci kidnapped me to model. I could already see the magazine headlines... The Boy in Chains Design... by Gucci. That's when Order strut in like the bitch she is.

"Thalost," she smirked when she saw my irritation, "Fancy seeing you here."

 I decided to annoy her.

"Duh I'm here... You took me here, it's not fancy at all."

Order's lips formed into a thin line.

"I don't get how you and I got along... You're so... chaotic."

"And I thought having order was supposed to be peaceful? No... Order's even more focused on wiping out the whole entire world, isn't she?" I retorted, giving her a lopsided grin.

"You foolish child, nephew," Order cackled, stabbing her sword into my side. "Your wounds you will receive each day will kill you. Better accept what the world will become and how you failed than live the last few days of your life thinking you could strike gold to bring back to your puny camp friends."

I stiffened at this.

"I'm doing this for my father. And you know what's worse, Order? Is that he loved you and you didn't love him. That's why you're like this... this... mess."

Order stiffened and I smirked. It'd worked.

"Chaos was always better than me. Of course, he was elected to be king... and I was supposed to just sit there... even if I was technically next in line to the throne. I'm the older twin, after all."

I knew at this point Order's point of attacking. Jealousy. I inwardly smirked. That would also be her downfall. Order then whipped me once and I felt like my whole body was on fire.

"He knew I never sincerely loved him," she growled, whipping me again. "I hated him but he was just so likable it made me want to hang out with him. And that made me hate him even more."

I took a deep breath. I had to be brave. Nothing could leak from my face. Then, Order began to chuckle bitterly.

"You know why I never wanted Chaos to have children? Why the moment I found out you were my brother's son I hated you immediately?" Order turned on me, "Because you're just like your father. Always smiling. It's like you never felt pain in your whole entire gods damn life. You hide behind masks. Just like you hide behind the name... Thalost."

She knew. She knew who I was.

"You know?" I growled.

"Oh... I know... Percy."

With that, she electrocuted me, leaving me burning and sizzling. 

"You'll pay dearly for how your father treated me, nephew," Order growled, going up to me, "And you will know really how much I hated my brother."

She flashed out and I closed my eyes, greeting sleep.

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