Chapter 22 || Closer And Closer

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A month had passed and I had fought and fought to train every single day. I was tearing through the ranks and now... I was at second in command. Against Parker. Hannah walked up to me before my battle, as I was literally almost about to have a panic attack. Sure, I was strong, but I was also nervous. Parker was vicious. VICIOUS.

"Good luck, Mr. Uppy," Hannah said.

Gods she reminded me so much of Annabeth...

"What do you want?" I said finally, not wanting to give anything away.

"To wish you good luck, Thalost," Hannah said, staring into my eyes.

Orange meeting sea green.

"Yeah... uhm..." I struggled, "Good luck, too."


Hannah stared at me before shrugging.

"Thanks," she said before sitting down next to the other commanders, who were all staring and me and Parker.

I could hear their whispers.

"...crazy enough to take on Parker?..."

"...stronger than any newbie ever..."

"...he's gonna die..."

" way is he gonna defeat Hannah..."

"Are you ready?!" Order yelled, interrupting my eavesdropping.

"Ready," Parker and I said at the same time.


I sliced the air above Parker and Parker stabbed, nearly missing my stomach. I did a side flip and kicked him in the jaw as I did so, releasing my sword in a chain, throwing his weapon to the side. Parker grabbed his second weapon in his belt and began to spar with me. Sparks flew. Metal clanged. I sliced through his cheek and he sliced the air above me. I slid out of the way as Parker was about to do a classic downward stab to me.

I kicked him from behind and jumped on him. Well, he rolled and managed to slice at my leg, cutting a gash. I threw a dagger as he tried to get up, stabbing into the ground only a centimeter away from his side.

"Ooh..." the audience said and I lost it.


Everyone did and Parker stared at me, eyes glinting slightly with respect. I sparred with him again, kicking him where the sun don't shine. Well, even I was wincing. Why did I do that?! Suddenly, Parker was behind me and I barely missed his attack. Dam it, Thalost! FOCUS! The battle went on for a long time and I could feel Parker getting tired. I was, too.

That's when a voice cut through my mind. Hannah's.

Thalost! Parker's most skilled when he has weapons. He's weak in combat. You have to slice off Parker's tool belt and disarm him or he'll win!

I frowned, wondering why Hannah was helping me. Bad mistake. Parker kicked me across the room and I stood up. I knew what I had to do by the glance Hannah's orange eyes sent me. I charged forward, feigning as if I was about to stab so Parker moved back. In an instant, I had climbed on his back, shoving him forward. I yanked the tool belt off of his suit and pulled him up by his shirt collar.

Parker managed to punch me off and I began to spar. He looked panicked as he saw his belt lying on the floor out of reach. So he tackled me and tried to pin me down. So I did the most absurd thing. Even if it cut my tongue, I bit his blade and surged upwards, slicing him in the nose. He let go of his sword, grabbing his nose. I threw his blade to the side of the arena and delivered a hard punch to his face, sending him to the ground.

I felt the taste of blood in my mouth and I savored the metallic flavor on my tastebuds. I kicked him again and Parker held up his hands.

"YIELD!" he barked out and laid there, gasping.

I almost couldn't believe I had done it. I was now Thalost, second in command. Order walked forward, eyes gleaming in approval.


I gasped, giving the best evil smirk I could muster. Everyone clapped, cheering. Even Parker. But the one person who wasn't clapping? Hannah. She simply got up and slunk out of the arena. I frowned and excused myself from the medics, who were patching up my wounds. I walked out of the arena and followed Hannah.

"What are you doing here?" Hannah asked, whirling around to face me.

"Nothing... it's just... you seemed upset."

"So you're gonna make fun of me for it, huh? Go ahead," she scowled.

"No," I said calmly, leaning against the wall.

An awkward silence passed before I took a deep breath.

"Why'd you help me back there?" I finally asked.

Hannah stiffened and turned to face me, eyes darting all over the place, avoiding my eyes.

"I... I..." she stuttered, "I don't... I wasn't... I mean... I--"

"What?" I held back a snicker.

"I didn't want you to lose."

I stared at her for a good thirty seconds before she glared.

"Don't just stare! You're supposed to say something!"

"Well... why?"

Hannah rolled her eyes, the look on her face screaming 'IDIOT'.

"Parker's a dickhead. Cocky, arrogant, awful. I'd rather work with you rather than him. That's how desperate I am," she covered herself at the end.

I couldn't hide my smirk now.

"So..." I raised my eyebrows, "You'd rather work with me?"

"Stop it," Hannah glared, "Now you're gonna make it to first in command and I won't be able to stop you. Go ahead and take it."

I frowned. Something about her tone didn't sound mad. It sounded sad.

"You... You're sad," I finally said.

Hannah whirled around to face me.

"And why do you care? Hm? Why do you care if I'm sad or if I'm happy?" she stared at me.

"Look, I know we don't have good chemistry... but if we're gonna be working together... I need to know why you're so sad that I'm running to go in first."

Hannah sighed, looking at the floor.

"I was with Order in the last war. The one where she lost. I've been with her forever and I never seemed to truly find happiness. The only thing I could ever find happiness in was being first in command. I've lost everything, Thalost. But no one could understand," Hannah spat bitterly.

I put a hand on her shoulder and she stiffened.

"No," I said firmly, "I understand."

She turned around to face me.

"I'm not competing for first in command," I decided, "It means more to you than it means to me."

She gave me the faintest smile before I turned around, leaving her be.

I Was Percy Jackson (A Percy Jackson Betrayed Fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz