Chapter 11 || Chaos Visits Olympus

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The gods were having their meeting again, when Chaos appeared through a portal.

"Hey!" he chirped while every god raised their weapons.

"Feisty, aren't we?" Chaos chuckled.

"Who are you?" Zeus demanded.

"Chaos, creator of the universe, and, therefore, you."

Every god dropped their weapons and fell to their knees.

"Lord Chaos!"

Chaos's face morphed into annoyance. Then, another portal appeared and a voice spoke out of it, eerily familiar to someone they knew.

"HAHA! THEY DON'T KNOW!" the voice laughed. 

Another voice.

"SUCKS FOR YOU, OLDIE CHAOS!" the other one cackled and the sound of high-fiving was audible.

"Shut it," Chaos rolled his eyes and the portal disappeared.

Poseidon's eyes were wide.

"Who... Who was that?"

"My son," Chaos said, bluntly. "The annoying little thing."

"Why are you here... divine creator?" Zeus asked.

"Well, there's a big war coming up. Especially for Earth... damn you are not prepared!"

"IT'S DAM!" the portal had come back.




The portal disappeared.

"Sorry about him. He's being really annoying today. Anyways, since Earth is... the main target of Order, my twin sister--"

"We're being targeted by Order?" Ares suddenly piped up, grabbing his spear, "I'M READY TO RAM THIS LADY THROUGH!"

"No..." Chaos snapped his fingers and Ares was back in his throne, "You're going to do none of the sort. Order can take you all down in an instant... no offense. I'll be sending my personal army to help. My nine strongest commanders, including my son, Prince of the Universe. They'll be helping you."

"So... you're willing... to let your own son fight this battle?" Poseidon stared at Chaos.

"If anyone has to say anything about forcing children to fight... it's you 14 people."

"You know..." Apollo said, looking at Chaos, "He's got a point."

"A battle will commence tomorrow at 7:45 AM tomorrow sharp. My army will meet you there."

Chaos opened up a portal and peeked his head back through as he stepped in.

"Also, tip to survive... don't piss off my son. He'll destroy you all with a blink of an eye and he doesn't like Earth."

And Chaos disappeared. Zeus stood up.

"Who called him?" he demanded an answer from the god who did.

Athena raised her hand.

"Daughter? Why?"

"Well, when we were talking about Percy's disappearance three hundred years ago... I heard about Chaos. And I could sense the war coming on. You forget I am a goddess of battle planning. I summoned his help after a monster wave took out ten campers."

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