Chapter 12 || Our Little... Reunion

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Ladies and gents... this is the moment you've waited for :)


We all ended up in the forest, watching and waiting for the right moment to attack. Chaos had said it was Hyperion leading the attack today and that we would have to wait for Hyperion to come out. I could see the campers bloody and battered.

"Jeez..." Luke winced.

Then... I was frozen. The six people I never wanted to see again in my life... were there.

"Guys... Annabeth and her... friends are there," I whispered to them.

"F**k," Luke cursed.

"Percy, you still gotta do it. From what I see, Commander Percy doesn't back down from anything."

"Remember, I'm Commander Thalost now. I'm going by my code name."

"Okay, Thalost. But it's gonna get weird if we're just alone."

"Well... you guys can call me Percy inside our cabin. But not in public. Let's go. You guys take care of the monsters, I'll take Hyperion," I said.

They all nodded in salute and they rushed into the battlefield.

"Look! Reinforcements!" Hyperion laughed before realizing who they were.


We were all dying out in the battlefield. That's when eight figures dressed in gray floor-length cloaks and black Chinese coolie hats began to charge into the camp.

"REINFORCEMENTS!" Hyperion cackled and I knew we were done.

That's when we all realized who the reinforcements were. I mean, it was hard to tell under the hats, but I knew who they were.

Luke, Bianca, Zoë, Silena, Beckendorf, Ethan, Lee, and Micheal...

But they were dead! They began to fight like... whoa. They fought the monsters like nobody's business. And then, we heard a loud crack as a winged figure win the same outfit appeared in the sky. Too high for us to see who it was, but he had power radiating off of him. He flew face to face with Hyperion.

"Miss me, old friend?" he chuckled.

"P-P--" Hyperion started but the man pulled him down, shrinking him to human size. "Get out of the way! I'll destroy this camp, including you!"

"Hmm..." the man took off his gray cloak coat and threw his hat to the floor, as did the rest of the army. "My sword here says you're not."

They were all wearing such casual clothing! How were they supposed to fight like that?! The man had his back facing towards us, but his hair brought back nostalgia. Raven black messy hair. Just like Percy's.

Even thinking his name sent tears to my eyes.

They circled each other, the man's sword held out in front of him and Hyperion's spear ready to stab. That's when I realized who the man was the moment he was where Hyperion was previously.

Percy f**king Jackson.

"F**k," I cursed under my breath.

Hyperion charged and Percy met the spear with his own sword. They fought like lightning. Hyperion sliced at the air under Percy and he did a flip, kicking off Hyperion's thigh and landing on two feet.

"Since when were you--"

"--so strong?" Percy asked as he struck, pressing against Hyperion's spear. "Why would I tell you that?"

They pulled out of the break and Percy landed in some good slashes.

"I'll tell you when. Since I turned 18. I'm 1046 years old. Get your f**king facts straight."

And with that, Percy's sword turned into a massive chain, stabbing into a random tree. Percy pulled and the tree came toppling down on top of Hyperion, holding him in place.

"Aw... look, Hyperion! I turned you into a tree... and now... you're being crushed by yourself. Or should I say your ego."

Percy flew up into the sky, taking out a bow and arrow.

"Everyone stand back," I pushed every camper back.

This was about to get ugly.

Percy let go of the string and the arrow went straight to Hyperion's heart. Hyperion was dust. The monsters were gone. Percy picked up his cloak and hat, putting them back on and walking over to his... team.

"Great job, Thalost!" Luke said, punching Percy's fist--wait... Thalost?

"Thalost?" I spoke up.

Percy immediately stiffened and turned to me.

"Athena spawn," he waved his hands and a bottle of blue coke appeared in his hand.

Oh... Percy. I guess his habits never left.

"Percy, did he just call you Thalost?"

Percy narrowed his eyes as he sipped.

"In no way do you have any right to call me Percy. It is Thalost to you and Thalost to all. Do you understand?"

I found this unnatural. As much as I wanted to defend myself and say he had no right to tell me what I could or could not call him...

I knew he was right.

I was to blame.

It was my fault that my beloved seaweed brain suffered.

And I had to suffer for it no matter what.

"Understood," I said in a quiet voice.

"Good," Percy said flatly and turned to leave.

That's when I realized something about the name that seemed so... odd.

"Wait!" I called.

Percy turned around and so did everyone else, their faces like stone statues. No emotion whatsoever. Plain. Blank. Hard. Steeled. Faces.

"What is the matter?" Percy asked in the most proper grammar I've ever heard him say.

"Isn't Thalost an assassin?"

"Yeah," Leo followed up, "like... the most deadly assassin in the whole f**king universe?"

That's when Percy let out a chuckle. A cold, bitter, heartless chuckle. His face showed no emotion.

"Yes, son of Hephaestus."

"So... your name is--" Leo began but everyone seemed to already understand.

"--Thalost," Percy cut him off. "Have you really no intelligence?"

Percy then made a motion with his hand and the army got in their positions, chins high, feet moving with fine precision. That's when the gods decided to show up. Well, from the angle, they couldn't see who the army members were. So... foolish Ares took out his spear and charged. All army members turned in one swift motion with their weapons raised and cloaks and hats laying on the floor.

It was like they changed in half a second.

"Fancy meeting you here... Ares," Percy said in coldest voice I thought he could ever say.

I Was Percy Jackson (A Percy Jackson Betrayed Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now