Chapter 21 || Up The Rankings

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I was seventh in command now... and I was intending to climb to sixth. I approached Order, who was sitting in her chains.

"You know," she suddenly spoke up, "I hate Chaos for doing this to me."

"Clearly," I said, though I fought the urge to roll my eyes.

"I mean... he could've just given me the crown. Then, I wouldn't have to destroy everything."

"Why... do you destroy everything again?" I glanced at her.

"Because Chaos is in love with life. Do you think I have anything against life? No, not at all. But Chaos loves it. And it's important to take everything away from him."

I relaxed as much as possible, resisting the urge to tense up and punch that bitch right in the face.

"I heard a rumor that Chaos... that old freak... finally got a son."


"I never thought Chaos would find someone he actually loved. I mean... I'm his twin sister and look at what he did to me. I won't be surprised if he threw his own son down here," Order barked a humorless laugh so I joined along.

"Lady Order, do you have a task waiting for me?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Once again, I would love to have the Umbion Stone to grant me more power. Just a press against the body could heal someone about to die. Just a press. Can you imagine what it'd do to a living person?" Order gazed off as if she was daydreaming. "Tell you what... You give me that stone... the moment I touch it to myself, I'll touch it to you. You will be my assistant. My first in line."

I pretended to perk up at this, though I had absolutely no interest whatsoever. I didn't want power... I mean... too much stress.

"Deal, Lady Order. But until this stone has been retrieved or even located... please tell me what else I could do to make it to ranking number six?"

Order laughed and eyed me.

"You're ambitious aren't you, Thalost? I saw it in you. Potential. The rankings get harder and harder, Thalost. I don't know how to tell you this, but if you wanna make it to six, you have to defeat my current sixth commander in the battle rink. That's how you are originally supposed to move up anyways."

I hid my fear and anxiety and simply nodded.

"Will do. Let's see how these suckers do."

"Remember, no killing and you must swear to never hold a grudge against them if you lose. Understand?"


"Grudges get in the way of success. Anything gets in the way of success."

I was about to say that her grudge on Chaos was basically arguing with what she just said, but I kept my mouth shut.


"Are you ready?!" Order yelled, her face in a devilish smirk.

"Ready," both me and Tyler said at once.

I could see in his eyes that he wasn't mad at me for challenging him... I mean... that's how he got to sixth in command, right? But he was scared. By the way he stood, the way he nervously tapped his foot against the sand, I could tell. Who wouldn't be if they were facing the deadliest assassin ever? I mean, one who makes a living off of killing people?

"FIGHT!" Order yelled and blew a foghorn.

I waited for Tyler to pounce. I guess he did the same. Common fighter's knowledge huh? It was a while before I caught him off guard, shooting my sword in the chain, painfully swinging him to the other side of the arena.

"Ooh..." came the audience.

Yeah, really... I wish these people would shut up. Tyler charged with his sword raised and I quickly dodged as he swung. Our blades clashed and sparks flew. I kicked him hard to the stomach and flipped as he threw a throwing knife where I was. I felt a tugging sensation on my back, which meant my wings wanted to come out. No, no, no... Don't come out, wings.

I got back on the floor where an arrow was shot straight for me. I caught it between two of my fingers and smirked. I had a secret weapon. I took out a little tube of lip balm and pretended to rub it on my lips. Everyone stared, confused. Including Tyler. Then, just as I'd hoped, he didn't expect it when a stun shot was produced from my lip balm, hitting him directly in the chest.

"Yield!" he grunted.

Order walked forward.

"Welcome, Thalost. Sixth in command!"



"What do we do?" I hissed to Beckendorf at the dinner table.

"We need to continue doing what we would do if Percy was here," he said.

"But we hardly have his battle plans and whatnot, Charlie," Silena said, giving him a peck to the cheek.

"You know, I liked Flame and Heart better," I rolled my eyes in pure fright. I mean... I had no idea what to do. Gods, Percy! Why'd you put me in your right wing position?!

"Luke? You okay?" Zoë frowned, staring at me.

"Yeah... I'm just nervous. I mean... he's never left us alone before."

"And we trained for a reason, Luke," Zoë sighed, "We're gonna be fine. And he'll come back before you know it."

A month ago I would've believed her.

"Campers!" I bellowed, deciding to go straight into 'Serious Luke'. Well, he didn't exist 'till now. "We are pleased with your progress in training, however, now I will warn you. Training is to get more difficult."

"Where's your commander?!" an annoying voice broke and I saw Tommy, raising his eyebrows and his mushroom hair flopping in the wind. 

Seriously, this dude looked like a living Mario Cart cartoon!

"He is attending to important business right now," I said as calmly and firmly as I could.

"I bet he's laying back and relaxing. Because he doesn't want to do work!" Tommy called.

Then, the one person I didn't expect to see slapped him. Annabeth Chase.

"Don't you dare say that about Commander Per--Thalost!" she hissed.

I was surprised to say the least.

"Right," I said, struggling not to stutter. "Okay... let's get on with this meeting."

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