Game 2, Day 2 (Afternoon)

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And so I grabbed the first aid kit Hope had dropped and, with a sigh, began to treat Mike’s wounds.

Harriet Mains POV

I barreled through the broken window I had infiltrated the house with, a sharp cry of pain escaping me as a piece of glass scraped against my calf. A swear word fell from my lips as I landed on the grass of the front yard, and instantly I was running again. I heard shouts from behind me and knew that I was being followed, but how many of them I didn’t know. I quickly looked over my shoulder and saw Nick and Hope charging towards me, knives in their hands. They were injured, yes, but they were on the move.

Rain poured down my face and drenched my hair, weighing down my clothes and making sight harder. I ran out the front gate and grabbed onto a piece of the fence to swivel around as fast as possible, then began to run down the street towards the city. I held onto the hood of my jacket and pulled it over my head roughly with one hand, my feet pounding along the wet pavement. My breathing was labored and shallow as I sprinted.

I knew attacking the alliance was a bad idea. I was hoping to kill at least one of them, but I had only wounded them. Still, the only one I hadn’t hurt was Eddie, and he was useless anyway. The twins would certainly thank me for wounding the tougher tributes.

The tributes this round were tougher than the first bunch. A lot of the stronger competitors in the 1-4 games had been killed off, so I wasn’t particularly worried about picking them off in the Ultimate Games. But these games had stronger tributes still alive and kicking, the only real weak tributes left were Acacia, Toby and Eddie. I didn’t doubt my ability to kill them if it came to it, I had let my own ally fall to her death so I was sure killing the weak tributes wouldn’t be a problem, but I worried about the strong tributes. The twins, Cedric, Mike, Nick, Gabriella and Thomas were all very large threats to me. Summer, Dianna, Hope, Ali and Marc could probably be killed, albeit with a bit of determination and a couple knives handy, but there were still a lot of strong tributes left. That worried me.

I didn’t like that.

Suddenly, someone came charging up towards me, their feet slapping along the ground. Next thing I knew, something slammed into my back, and I screamed and tumbled forward, face planting the ground with an unpleasant crack. I cried out in pain as I tasted blood in my mouth. Someone grabbed my shoulders and roughly jerked me onto my back, and I looked up to see Nick sitting on my stomach, holding a knife in his hands.


Reflexively, I launched my fist forward, making my hand collide with Nick’s cheek. He cried out and fell off me, and I jumped to my feet. I glared down at Nick and kicked him in the stomach, a scowl on my face. He jolted as I kicked him and a weakened gasp escaped from his lips. I kicked him again and again, burying my foot in his stomach mercilessly.

“Get away from him, you bitch!”

Someone swiped a knife towards my face and I only just dodged it, darting back as the knife arced centimeters past my eyes. I stumbled back and away from Nick’s hunched form and looked up to see Hope, her face twisted in anger and blood dripping from the wound in her shoulder. I glanced up at her, then down at Nick, and without a second thought, I turned on my heel and fled down the road, the rain continuing to pelt relentlessly down my back.

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