He should have just stayed naked.

He needed to open a window before he suffocated. Lifting the glass, the air rushing over him, Danny realized his mistake quickly; the scent of his soulmate traveled on the breeze, bringing him to his knees.

He gripped the table and accidentally tipped the vase of flowers off the surface. The vase shattered to the floor, lilies spilling to the wood below, but Danny was unconcerned with the mess as he writhed in his jeans. They had to come off before he soaked right through them. Sweat bloomed over his skin, his breath harsh to his ears. His soul was on the brink of something, but Danny couldn't understand; he and his soul were both too far gone to communicate with each other.

Unzipping his jeans with shaking hands, Danny tried his best not to rip the damn pants off his body and shimmed out of them. The cool wood of the floor relieved him for a moment before the fever took over again. His hand slipped into his briefs, found his aching cock. God what was happening, Danny moaned. He felt his soulmate leaving the area and he almost screamed for help. His panic was short-lived when he felt a force of nature coming full speed towards the cabin. The scent coming through the window became the air he breathed, thick, overwhelming to his body.

"Oh God," Danny squeezed his dick, pulling his briefs below his balls in some attempt to extinguish the heat overpowering his loins.

The door cracked open and Louis stood there with a growl on his lips. His curly brown hair was soaked with sweat as if he had run all the way to him. His muscles gleamed with the same salty moisture; the lines of his body beyond powerful. The massive male took the entire length of the room in three steps and pulled his soulmate from the floor by the hips. A ferocious noise boiling up from his throat, his cinnamon brown eyes locked on tearful dark ones, Louis placed Danny on the beautiful kings bed and ripped the briefs from his body.

His body covered Danny's burning skin, seeking out his soulmate's mouth with his tongue. Danny's legs wrapped around Louis's tight ass and everything else was lost. He didn't even realize Louis was naked until now. Where and when had he taken his clothes off? But now wasn't the time for such worry. There wasn't any fear of what they were doing. There wasn't some long-drawn-out talk. They were soulmates and they were going to make it official. The details would come later.

Kissing turned to pet and soon the breathing in the room was so loud, Louis couldn't think. His cock ached so bad he didn't think twice about lifting onto his knees and pulling Danny by the hair to his erection. Danny didn't miss a beat, licking the sweat from his lover's dick.

"More," Louis growled, pushing Danny's mouth down onto his length, pulling him back up; showing him how he liked it. Danny's hands found his soulmate's hips and he moaned at the pleasure between them. He lived to please the man he sucked, his body a mere extension of the bond they were creating. The air around them hummed with power and pricked at Danny's skin. He was in another world that only involved submitting to the man above him. Pain, pleasure, whatever Louis wanted, Danny was lost in it.

Louis felt the power thrumming through him, the love pouring off of Danny in waves. The smaller male was getting off on pleasuring him. The small groans around his cock pleased his soul to no end. Louis combed his fingers through Danny's hair, anchored them tight as he began to thrust into his soulmate's mouth slowly.

In turn, Danny's hands ran up and down Louis's muscled thighs, up to his ass; wandering and learning the large body under his fingers. Taking his soulmate deeper, he coughed a little at the unfamiliar intrusion so far down his throat, but relaxed as Louis's grip softened, fingers gently massaged his scalp in reassurance.


The look of complete submission on Danny's face was too much for Louis and he pulled out of the male's mouth.

Souls Entwined (He Is The One. My One ✔) Where stories live. Discover now