Chapter 6 - The Girl

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Newt kept his hopes up when it came to people surviving a night in the maze or from being stung by a Griever. He had to show an example that hoping too much would lead to more death and trauma. But he didn't believe in his allies. There was a conscience telling him to have faith in them. In Minho. In Skylar.

The boys all slept close by the doors that night. Waiting to see if their four friends inside the maze would return. The rumbling of the doors woke them up, lifting themselves off the ground to look inside the Maze.

Chuck kept his spirits up. He always did when it came to Skylar. She promised him she'd come back.

''I told you, Chuck,'' Newt whispered to him. Sadly, ''There not coming back.''

Everyone else wasn't as hopeful as Chuck. All of the boys beginning to fall back to get started on their jobs, doing their jobs, doing their best to forget their four friends.

''No way,'' Zart exclaimed, staring at the far end. He pointed at the figures who made their way towards the Glade, catching everybody's attention.

Skylar limped in exhaustion after having to take turns carrying Alby. Her breathing was heavy as she walked beside Thomas and Minho, who were grunting at the weight of Alby. Skylar's smile didn't leave her face once she saw the faces of the boys.

''Yeah! Yes!'' Chuck cheered, knowing he was right to believe they survived.

The rest of the boys smiled and ran towards them, happy to see them all. Reuniting with the boys, Thomas and Minho laid Alby down for the Med-Jacks to get checked. Sky was glad they managed through a night without any injuries although the three did have minor cuts and bruises.

The three continue to pant, sighing in relief so they could relax. Skylar grunted at the sudden impact of Chuck's body bumping into her, giving her a hug. She giggled, ruffling his hair a little.

''Missed you, bud.''

Once he pulled back, Newt walked over to Skylar. Shocked and glad that they are alive.

''You survive.'' his eyes on Skylar. The girl grinned as she felt Newt's arms around her in a hug. The boys patted Thomas's back causing a smile to form on his two friends not far from him, feeling the same feelings in her heart.

''You saw a Griever?'' Chuck asked them from beside them.

''Yeah, we saw one,'' Thomas answered.

Minho added in. ''He didn't just see one. He kill it.'

Newt stared at Thomas in shock with everyone else. Their eyes glanced at Thomas. This made him shift, uncomfortable at the attention placed on them.

Later on that day, Gally had required a meeting in the Council Hall.

''Things are changing. There's no denying that.'' Gally began, the chatter in the room died down. ''First, Ben gets stung in broad daylight. And then Alby.''

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