Chapter 4

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Theo kept pace with him as they followed the Pongs out of the club. You've gone and pissed her off, haven't you? he thought.

"Do I detect criticism?" Gabriel raised a brow.

His cousin shrugged, his face taking on a rare, serious look. If it comes to I fight, I will take your place.

Gabriel laughed, drawing several eyes their way as they stepped out of the back door of the club. "Don't be dramatic, Theo. It doesn't suit you." He looked around the strangely quiet street, noting that there were no cars about, nor were there any humans to be seen. The lights of the stores were on, the signs above them blazing with colour, but everyone had been cleared.

"They are almost here," Daniel reported.

Rosabelle clapped her hands with approval. "Excellent, and where is Zhang Wei?"

"I'm here, Alpha." The wolf called Zhang Wei stepped forward. Gabriel watched the lanky young man with the diamond shaped mole under his left eye, bow to his Alpha. Despite being in his early twenties, the werewolf's power was palpable; he was an Alpha-born.

There were times when two Alphas were born into the same Pack. When that happened, a contest would be held and the loser had two choices; bind his wolf and lock the Alpha power away or leave the Pack for good. If the Alpha-born chose to leave, he could try starting his own pack or live as a rogue; alone.

But what was this Alpha-born doing in Rosabelle's Pack? He was still young and nowhere near as powerful as her, but he would grow stronger and she was not the kind to allow for anyone to compete with her.

Seeing his surprise, Rosabelle grinned. "Zhang Wei was born into the Lee Pack, but recently found himself in need of some support."

Support? Gabriel frowned trying to imagine what Rosabelle was thinking. The Lee family's territory was in north west China and they rarely made contact with other packs. Still, they were an affluent Pack with a vast amount of territory...She couldn't be thinking of fighting them and placing Zhang Wei as a puppet Alpha? A look at Rosabelle's half-smile told him she could.

Such actions would not be allowed by Lupus Corp - but neither the Pongs nor the Lee's were member Packs. While the idea of werewolf deaths grated on his nerves, he had no right to interfere in any of it. But if the Lee pack joined Lupus United...

"Alpha," Zhang Wei bowed in his direction. Gabriel accepted the show of deference with a nod.

"Our Zhang Wei here was the fastest wolf in the Lee pack," Rosabelle trailed her hand over the wolf's shoulders as she moved around the man. "Now, he is the fastest wolf in our pack. In fact, no one in all of China has outrun him yet."

A race? Gabriel was puzzled at how simple her test had turned out to be. Was this really all she wanted?

"The invincibility of the Moncrief Alpha is legendary," Rosabelle continued. Then she turned to her pack members. "Wouldn't we love to see our legendary Zhang Wei race the great Moncrief Alpha?" A cheer rose from the crowd, the pitch rising as two red Ferrari's turned onto the street.

Theo stepped up beside him, his smile fake: Let me run for you.

"Do you think you're faster than me?" Gabriel whispered, amused.

Hell, I know you can run circles around me, but he is Alpha-born and his gift is obviously extreme speed. The Pong Alpha is just trying to embarrass you.

The wolves around them were getting more boisterous, their excitement at getting to watch two Alphas race growing by the minute.

"Your lack of faith wounds me," Gabriel shook his head sadly at his cousin, then he turned to Rosabelle and raised his voice. "Rules?"

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