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Okay, so I wanted to post this a lot later. You know after finishing the whole thing. But since today is the last day of pride month I had to put something up. Trigger warnings slightly at the start for panic attack mentions. And another Taylor song chapter, there should be a total of 13, you know cause why the fuck not.

 My eyes fluttered open, hazy with sleep, and the sunlight pouring in from the windows nearly blinding my vision. Who the fuck opened the curtains?

Stiffly I sit upon my bed, and my question is soon answered when I see will dozing off in my armchair, with my pillow in hand. That explains why my neck hurts now.

Will's head is thrown over the back of the chair, and he is slowly snoring. The light of the sun from the window illuminates his entire body in a warm glow. I realized he must have carried me in last night since I don't remember falling asleep on my bed.

Heat rushes to my face, as I also come to the realization that will spend the entire night in my cabin. He didn't sleep on the bed, but this was far beyond anything I expected, anyway. Why would he care, though? He doesn't owe me anything.

I got over the panic attack last night, way quicker than I usually do. And I know Will is the reason. At times, I could even spend the entire night with my heart racing and tears streaming down my face. It was worst when I was on the Argo 2. Knowing Percy and Annabeth were down there, experiencing what I did, send me into a mental state I count often get out of. Sometimes for days on end.

Lately, it has been... easier to bear even if the attacks come as often as they used to. Even if the hope is slim, after bearing it for years and understanding I might never change, being around Will might just heal me a tiny bit.

Never would I asked him directly, since that made no fucking sense, but if I have to put it honestly, he made me better. Will made me happy.

It is only when will wake up stretching like a golden retriever yawning; I come to my senses.

"Good morning," he said, smiling. When he sees me, will's eyes grow wide. "Hold on. Have I been here the whole night?"

"It seems so," I answered, my voice sounding hoarse. My mouth tastes so bad, I want to shove Will out and brush my teeth before going into any sort of conversation. "Why?"

"The harpies," he replies, "well it's morning, but um...it won't appear right. If I walk out of your cabin in the morning like this. Also, I broke I don't know how many rules,"

"One rule, solace," I said smiling. "You broke one rule. And one that I don't think should be a rule at all." It's ridiculous how blatant and obvious my attempts at flirting are "and since when are you one to care about rules?"

"I should get going through," he said, "and try not to be seen,"

"You should I said." hoping I don't sound as disappointed as I am. I don't want him to go. Never would I ever want him to walk out of sight. Too many people in my life left that way and never returned.

I want will to be the exception to that and everything else in my life. I want him to be the one that stays. The one thing consistent and permanent.

But I lay sighing on my bed as he opens the door of my cabin slightly and sneaks out.

The rest of the morning goes by in a blur, and Chiron allows me to teach the younger campers about sparring. The job was previously Luke castellans but since the Titan war; the position has been empty.

It's only at breakfast, at about 10 am, when I get to see Will again. He was in the infirmary all morning and glares at the bright sun as he walks out.

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