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So this is my second attempt to write fluff with these two. Believe it or not its slightly better. I hope so. I cant do too many do overs, the story needs to go on.

I wasn't carried away at all.

I knew what I was doing, and I knew even more that in no way possible was it right.

But what even is right in this messed up world of ours. I overstepped boundaries, but I also knew Nico needed warmth and comfort more than anything else right now.

For the first time I feel hopeful, content, I finally have some light on how to help him. That's why even after he pushes me away, I hold on to him, some part of me secretly afraid if I let go he would actually be gone.

This time he doesn't push away. And I don't break away.

We sit or rather lay on the bed for god knows how long, with my arms around his slender body and occasionally looks up at me and smiles, making everything worth it.

The slight warmth is enough, and he bundles up into a ball clenching my shirt as he falls asleep. His dark hair falls around his head like a dark halo. He looks adorable, if anything. Like a baby, an angel hurdled up amid battle, with all that he went through. Of course, he would be adorable. He is only fourteen, though it's hard to recollect that remembering how quickly and easily he attempted to slash my throat.

I could stay forever holding Nico, knowing no one could hurt him when he was here, but the knock on the door to collect our dinner forced me to get my ass up. Nico is asleep, and I gently put him onto the bed and go answer the door. Its Lou.

"Hey Solace," she whispers, seeing Nico asleep behind me, "how's it going know?"

"he's good," I grab the plate from her hoping she would go away, but she doesn't, "he's better now"

"Better?" she scoffs, "after nearly getting sent to his father the shorter way just yesterday. Yeah, right."

"Is there any other reason you are here, Lou?" I glare at her, not wanting to outright punch her in the face for doubting Nico. She just doesn't know any better, I tell myself, and I'm a healer.

"yes, well, Chiron told Jason to tell me to ask you if you needed a break. So do you need a break?"

"From what?" I ask, getting more annoyed with her at the moment.

"to rest. If looking after Nico isn't getting you any sleep, someone else could take over for a few hours. If that's alright with you."

"no, it is not," I snap, "I can do this perfectly fine it is my job. And don't think for a moment Nico is burdening me, CAUSE HE ISN'T,"

the last bit came out a little bit meaner than I intended it to, but she was getting on my nerves.

Lou says nothing and raises her eyebrows, slamming the door as she goes, leaving me glaring at a piece of wood with a tray in my hand.

"who was it?" Nico asks, probably awake from all the ruckus Lou made, "and whose is that?" he points at yoghurt and sandwiches in my tray.

"Oh, it was just Lou Ellen. from the Hecate cabin," Nico stared at me like he was waiting for me to get to the point, "um she came to get me dinner,"

I don't tell him about her mentioning someone else should look after him solely because there is a teeny chance he might agree with her. But I don't because I don't want anybody in this entire camp near Nico.

I left him a few days ago, and he nearly died. I can't make the same mistake again.

"can- can I have some of that?" Nico asks ogling the fruit yoghurt, and I pass the cup over to him.

He finishes all of it before I know it, even eating the fruity bits at the bottom of the container with a gleeful look on his face.

"Are you still hungry?" I ask offering him my sandwich.

"what are you gonna eat?" he asks, taking my dinner.

"I could survive not eating one meal. Besides, I haven't been moving around much, so I'm not even hungry. But you are.."

"well my stomach doesn't feel like jelly anymore," he says opening up the sandwich and removing any vegetables and the slice of meat in it. He carefully assembles the two buttered loaves back together, shoving them inside his mouth in one go.

"what are you gonna do with that?" I ask, pointing at the mess he made eating on the bed.

"well I don't enjoy wasting any food," he says collecting all the tomatoes, "but I don't like these and I don't want to offer it to you either cause they are gross."

"vegetables are gross?" I asked, collecting the trash from him and helping him brush the crumbs off.

"why yes they are!" he says cheekily, "and I suppose now you are going to explain the food pyramid to me and tell me why I am wrong."

I put the tray outside for someone to collect, "well right now I won't. I am just happy you ate something, even if it was just carbs."

"Hey, there were berries in the yoghurt,"

"and double the sugar. But still, you need the energy, so I am not complaining. But once you are better, as your doctor, I would advise you to eat more greens,"

Nico laughs making me wonder why I even advise him. Oh right, cause I'm in fucking love with him and even if he laughs at the advise, its the sweetest sound in the world.

Comment and tell me how it was. Prompts and constructive criticism is welcome, hate is not.

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