Arwen walked into the chamber where the shards of Narsil were kept. "From the ashes a fire shall be woken. A light from the shadows shall spring. Renewed shall be blade that was broken. The crownless again shall be king."

"Reforge the sword. Ada." Arwen breathed. Elrond did not answer he only walked away. She sat on a bed, exhausted and drops the book that was in her hands. She pressed her cold finger tips together as Elrond picked up the book gracefully. Elrond felt her hands and lowers them down in front of her, "Your hands are cold. The life of the Eldar is leaving you." Arwen only faced her father, "This was my choice. Ada, whether by your will or not, there is no ship now that can bear me hence."

Gandalf, Tauriel and Pippin road through the countryside on their way to Minas Tirith. "We've just passed into the realm of Gondor." Gandalf announced as they crested a hill, and saw Minas Tirith in the distance. The sun clashed against the white stones of the city. To Tauriel in that moment the city of kings appear like heaven's gate. "Minas Tirith." Gandalf breathed, "City of kings." They road through the many levels of the city, as people jump out of the way in front of them. "Make way!" They entered the Courtyard of the Citadel, where the White Tree stood. Where the site Mordor appear to be right on their doorstep. As they walked to the door Pippin gazed upon the people's hope, "It's the tree. Gandalf. Gandalf!" "Yes, the White Tree of Gondor. The tree of the king. Lord Denethor, however, is not king. He is a steward only, a caretaker of the throne." Gandalf paused before entering the hall. "Now listen carefully. Lord Denethor is Boromir's father. To give him news of his beloved son's death would be most unwise. And do not mention Frodo or the Ring. And say nothing of Aragorn either. In fact, it's better if you don't speak at all, Peregrin Took." Then he looked at Tauriel, "I think is best if you wait here, Tauriel." She nodded and traveled along the courtyard to the edge.

She stood there, and looked to see Mordor. She despised it so much. She knew there would be no hope for her, she knew her life was already spent. But she was in a way grateful that she knew she was going to die. It helped her to see those precious moments, that they needed to be cherished. She was grateful to realize that moments were precious. She was gland it wasn't to late. She thought of all the memories she'd held on to...she started right from the beginning.


It was the Feast of Starlight, the time in the year where the stars were the brightest. Tauriel was never one for parties, in fact this was her first. She walked out onto the balcony and gazed upon the stars. "I do not find anyone here, especially when there lay a party inside." She turn around to see an elf, he smiled. She smiled as well as he came to join her, "not one for parties." She muttered as he looked at her, "nether have I." Then he looked up at the cover of night, "I come out here, it's quiet, peaceful." Tauriel then for first time looked into his eyes, "we have something in comman." He chuckled before asking, "what do they called you?" She breathed, "Tauriel. And you?" There was a silence. "Legolas." Then an elf came, "hîr nîn Legolas, your father summons you." Tauriel thought, 'lord?' He is the prince' He nodded, before he walked away he turned around, "I hope to see you again." Tauriel smiled, " and I you."

[End of Flashback]

Tauriel smiled before hearing Gandalf and Denethor's conversation. "You think you are wise, Mithrandir. Yet for all your subtleties you have not wisdom. Do you think the eyes of the White Tower are blind? I have seen more than you know. With your left hand you would use me as a shield against Mordor. And with your right you would seek to supplant me. I know who rides with Théoden of Rohan. Oh yes. Word has reached my ears of this Aragorn, son of Arathorn. And I tell you now, I will not bow to this Ranger from the North, last of a ragged house long bereft of lordship." Gandalf looked head high, "Authority is not given you to deny the Return of the King, Steward." Denethor with rage stood up, "The rule of Gondor is mine, and no other's!" Denethor sat down. Gandalf regarded him for a moment, then turns and walked away.

Gandalf looked at Pippin, "Come. All has turned to vain ambition. He would even use his grief as a cloak. A thousand years this city has stood." They traveled back to the courtyard where Tauriel stood. "Now, at the whim of a madman, it will fall. And the White Tree, the tree of the king, will never bloom again." Pippin questioned, "Why are they still guarding it?" "They guard it because they have hope. A faint and fading hope that one day it will flower. That a king will come and this city will be as it once was, before it fell into decay. The old wisdom borne out of the West was forsaken. Kings made tombs more splendid than the houses of the living, and counted the old names of their descent dearer than the names of their sons. Childless lords sat in aged halls, musing on heraldry or in high, cold towers, asking questions of the stars. And so the people of Gondor fell into ruin. The line of kings failed. The White Tree withered. The rule of Gondor was given over to lesser men."

Pippin walks over towards the edge of the wall as he saw red clouds climbing over mountains towards Gondor. "Mordor." Tauriel breathed, "Yes, there it lies. This city has dwelt ever in the sight of its shadow." Gandalf muttered as Pippin looked up, "A storm is coming." "This is not the weather of the world. This is a device of Sauron's making. A broil of fume he sends ahead of his host. The Orcs of Mordor have no love of daylight, so he covers the face of the sun to ease their passage along the road to war. When the Shadow of Mordor reaches this city it will begin." Pippin smiled, "Well, Minas Tirith, very impressive. So where are we off to next?" Gandalf shook his head, "Oh, it's too late for that, Peregrin. There's no leaving this city. Help must come to us."

The cover of night laid over the sky. The sound of nothingness filled the air. Gandalf stood on a balcony smoking as Pippin stood in a room just behind him. The armor of the Guards of the Citadel was laid upon his bed. Tauriel leaned on the wall spinning her dagger. Pippin gazed over his armor, "So I imagine this is just a ceremonial position. I mean, they don't actually expect me to do any fighting, do they?" Gandalf looked back answering in a scratchy voice, " You're in the service of the steward now. You're going to have to do as you're told, Peregrin Took." Gandalf continues to cough as he placed the pipe to his mouth. Pippin pours a glass of water for Gandalf and brings it to him. "Ridiculous Hobbit. Guard of the Citadel." His coughs echo around as Pippin gives him the glass. "Thank you." Pippin looked towards the sky, "There's no more stars." Tauriel walked up next to Gandalf, "Is it time?" "Yes."

Pippin walked over to the balcony. "It's so quiet." Gandalf sucked in a breath, "It's the deep breath before the plunge." Pippin looked over Mordor, "I don't want to be in a battle, but waiting on the edge of one I can't escape is even worse. Is there any hope, Gandalf, for Frodo and Sam?" Tauriel smiled answering, "There never was much hope. Just a fool's hope." She'd never really believed in luck, if luck was real. Luck would hate her. Gandalf sighed, "Our Enemy is ready. His full strength gathered. Not only Orcs, but Men as well. Legions of Haradrim from the south. Mercenaries from the coast. All will answer Mordor's call. This will be the end of Gondor as we know it. Here the hammer-stroke will fall hardest. If the river is taken, if the garrison at Osgiliath falls, the last defense of this city will be gone."

"But we have the White Wizard. That's got to count for something. Gandalf?" Pippin smiled. Tauriel walked over to Pippin muttering. "Sauron has yet to release his deadliest servant, the one who will lead Mordor's armies in war. The one they say no living man can kill. The Witch-king of Angmar. You've met him before. He stabbed Frodo on Weathertop. He is the lord of the Nazgûl, the greatest of the Nine. Minas Morgul is his lair."

Pippin looked down then up, "it would seem we are in need of water." He grabbed the jug and carried it out of the room. Tauriel faced Gandalf. "You knew, didn't you." Gandalf looked at her then the city. "Yes I knew. I knew you were going to die." Tauriel smiled, " I will fight till I die. I will stand next to what good is left in is world." Gandalf smiled, " you know you are going to die, and yet you don't seem frightened." "I was never. Frightened." Gandalf placed the pipe to his mouth, "are u going to mention this to Legolas." Tauriel shook her head, "is better if he doesn't know-" Then she saw Pippin watching them, hearing ever world she said. "I take my leave." Tauriel exited the room with haist.

Pippin looked back at her then at Gandalf, "she's going to die?" Gandalf nodded. Pippin walked up to Ganalf, "how? When!-" "Pippin is better you don't know." Pippin sat down on the bed, his breath rush out then in. "Does anyone else know? Right of course not. Legolas will be devastated." Gandalf sigh, "we will all be. You can see that Legolas loves her very much...but." "But they were doomed from the beginning. Weren't they?" Gandalf sat next to Pippin and smiled, "understand this my dear hobbit. Even if they were doomed from the beginning their story is no less beautiful for being doomed."

There it is! Please tell me what you thought about Legolas and Tauriel's first meeting! The next chapter is coming soon! PLEASE vote and comment! ILYSM<3xx forever1912

The Here and Now [Legolas and Tauriel]sequel to What Once was LostNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ