Part Six: 31st December 11:58 Pm

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You weren't sure how the feeling of "now or never" swept all over you but you ran making your left shoe strap snap.

But you didn't even care that you only had one shoe on and that your updo had fallen apart. You just needed to find him.

You had to find him.

When the main entrance came into view, you stood on the spot, for a second to catch your breath.

And just when you were about to stagger inside with your messy hair and only one shoe, you saw him—out of breath, hair falling into his eyes and a deep red stain on his shirt.

"Draco..." You choked out as you pressed the palm of your hand on your chest. "I thought you were inside."

"I was."

"What—what are you doing outside then?"

He smiled a sheepish kind of smile as he walked towards you shaking his head. "I'm here to make things right y/l/n."


With one brisk movement, he had his left arm secured firmly around your waist while his right arm held up your leg that lacked a shoe.


With his forehead pressed onto yours, Draco's lips inched closer and closer to yours


You could have sworn you didn't even hear the people inside chant Happy new year when his lips brushed yours.

And the fireworks in the sky bursting and dazzling into glittering particles of every colour imaginable was lacklustre compared to the ones you saw when he parted your lips and ardently explored your mouth with his hands moving up and down your back.

"I love you Y/n." Draco said softly as he backed away—forehead still pressed onto yours. "It's always been you for me—I have always loved you."

He would have pitched himself off the Astronomy tower before saying these three words to anybody. But for you, he wanted to keep saying it over and over—chanting it like a mantra because it didn't feel like it was enough.

A tear slipped from your carefully lined eyes as you choked out the words.

"I love you too Draco."

Wisps of Smoke (Draco Malfoy x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now