Part Six: 31st December 5:47 pm

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You sucked in your breath and pressed your palms up against the mirror as your mother tightened the corset strings of your gown.

The boys had really outdone themselves with the dress and you wondered if you had enough poise and confidence to pull off such a number.

"You look beautiful dear." Your mom's reflection smiled as she admired your dress. "Goes particularly well with your ring."

"Uh—thank you mother." You mumbled as you swiftly retreated your hands from the mirror.

"Why, it looks especially stunning on your finger, especially with the Malfoy name engraved into it."

You could hear the disapproval in the pitch of her voice as the words left her mouth.

"Mum I—"

"Y/n, honey he is getting engaged to the greengrass girl today and you—well, you have Adrian waiting for you downstairs."

"I know mum." You whispered, staring at your feet. "But I love him. I thought I could find my way around it but I can't. I have to tell him—I will die thinking what if, if I don't."

"And what happens after you tell him hm?" Your mother asked as she put final touches to your gown. "Do you think his father will forgive him? Or the Greengrasses? He could lose everything."

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