Part Six: 31st December 11:32 Pm

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The sound of water cascading down the fountain calmed you as you sat at the edge, thinking about the time Draco pushed you into the water.

Simpler times.

You absently lit up a cigarette and made yourself comfortable amidst the smoke that came out from the orange, glowing tip.

You wished you could explain why you smoked so much in the last forty eight hours.

As unhealthy as it was, smoking tricked you into thinking Draco was sitting right next to you.

It made you feel closer to him.

Letting out a hefty sigh, you slowly stood up and walked towards Narscissa's roses that still bloomed at this time of the year. Just as you reached for another cigarette, a voice startled you.

"It's always going to be you isn't it?"

Astoria stood in front of you with her arms folded. Her shimmering gold gown made a swishing sound as she walked towards you.

"I'm sorry?"

"Well, you should be." She said almost nonchalantly as she plucked a rose from the bush.

"He loves me..." She began in a singsong voice as she plucked a single red colored petal releasing the floral aroma into the air.

"He loves me not."

"He loves me not."

"Still doesn't love me—No."

"Too wrapped up being in love with y/n." She muttered as she tossed the rose to the ground.

"He—he doesn't love me." You mumbled.

"But of course you are too blind to notice." She scoffed, pacing back and forth. "I'd noticed it the day I found you knocking on his door."

"Noticed what?" You asked weakly, looking at Astoria as you rubbed your arm.

"The way he looked at you. Merlin! You really are blind."

"What way?"

"The way I wanted to be looked at!" Astoria exclaimed, throwing her hands up in frustration.

Wisps of Smoke (Draco Malfoy x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now