Part Three: Friday (18+)

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A/n: Mature Content warning. reader discretion is advised. 

"It's been raining quite a bit these days." Adrian commented as you both walked towards the dungeons.

"It has.Hasn't it?" You mumbled, turning to take a long look at him. There was no denying that he looked good in his Quidditch uniform—with his dark hair complimenting the Slytherin green.

Both of you quietly entered the common room and sat down on a couch surrounded by an uncomfortable silence that was getting far too familiar at this point.

Both of you spent time together just for the sake of both of your parents who'd carefully set up your relationship.

Sometimes, you went on dates and stuffed your mouth with food just to avoid having a conversation.

And then there were nights of efficient and routinely sex and ignoring each other's presence afterwards.

You picked on the ends of your hair and wondered why you were still with Adrian and vice versa.

Sure you'd known him for years, sure he'd held your hand through every awkward dinner and other miscellaneous and pretentious strictly pure blood events but there was a difference between loving someone and being in love with someone.

Still, that didn't justify your clandestine rendezvous with Draco and the guilt was slowly eating you up.

"Everything alright with you y/n?" Adrian asked, placing his hand on top of yours.

"Yes—I mean no. Yes."

Adrian raised his eyebrows, looking befuddled.

"Adrian, there's something I need to tell—"

"That won't be necessary." He said as he quickly cut you off. "I already know what you're about to tell me—you are rubbish at glamour spells, you know.I can still see most of the bruises on your neck."

You touched your neck and drew in a sharp breath when your fingertips landed on a fresh one from last night.

"May I ask who?" Adrian cleared his throat, instantly making you retrieve your hands from your neck.

And as if on cue, the Slytherin seeker who'd marked your neck up walked into the common room still in his Quidditch fit.

His hair was ruffled up due to all the flying and there was a slight cut near his left brow. You wondered if he'd gotten that cut during practice or if he'd started a brawl with someone.

When it came to Malfoy, you could never be too sure.

Adrian's eyes followed your own and he shook his head in disbelief when he got the answer to his question.

"Malfoy?" He asked while you stared at the ground below hoping it would swallow you whole.

"I'm sorry Adrian."

"I don't know what to tell you y/n." Adrian whispered using his hand to lift your chin up. "You and I both knew this relationship was going nowhere didn't we?"

You nodded and you slowly stretched out your arms and wrapped them around Adrian's waist as he rested his head on top of yours.

"I'll see you around y/n."


"And there goes my peace and quiet." Draco muttered, flicking the ashes away from the lit cigarette between his index and middle finger as you entered the classroom that night.

The scent of soap and the water droplets at the ends of his hair indicated that he was fresh out of the shower.

"Well, hello to you too." You retorted as you got comfortable on the windowsill next to him.

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