Part Two: Friday

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When your eyes opened the next morning, you found your thoughts to be littered with the kisses you shared with Malfoy.

And even if you'd somehow managed to forget the way he suckled, bit and murmured onto your skin, you had purple hickeys marking your neck to remind you.

This was a mistake.

Frantically wrapping your green and silver scarf around your neck, you made a run towards your Potions class but before you could even make it to class, you found yourself pulled into a small gap in the wall making your body go into an instantaneous fight or flight mode.

"What in the actual fuc—"

You were silenced with a kiss on your lips once again.

Draco pushed you further up against the wall and moved his lips desperately against yours—kissing your mouth senseless.

"Do you just lurk around in the hallways waiting to sneak up on people?!" You asked in a breathless whisper as his lips made contact with the base of your neck again after he'd loosened your scarf.

"Only sometimes." He smirked.

The wetness that seeped in through your panties and all the way down your inner thighs was a tell tale sign, warning you to stay away from the abandoned classroom that night.

And you did just that.

Even if you had reached for your door that night, Adrian's sudden arrival ensured that you stayed away. 

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