Part Three: Saturday

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You sipped on your Butterbeer and glanced at the people seated with you at the three broomsticks.

Pansy was explaining something animatedly to Theo while Draco and Blaise were talking about the upcoming Quidditch match against Ravenclaw.

The tiniest of smiles crept up your lips when you observed your long time friends.

You could still remember the excitement you all felt when you got your hands on your Hogwarts letter.

And the elated expressions all of you had exchanged at the great hall after being sorted into Slytherin was still fresh inside of your mind.

As you looked around the table, Draco's stormy grey eyes caught yours.

You always did think he looked fucking attractive in his Quidditch jumper, especially with his icy blonde hair combed neatly to the side.

The sight made you want to chew on your bottom lip and he smirked when he noticed how flustered you'd suddenly gotten.

"Y/n. It's your turn to fetch the Butterbeers." Pansy's voice interrupted your supposed eye fucking staring contest with Draco and you quietly stood up and walked towards the counter.

"Looks like Cormac Mclaggen has taken an interest in y/n." Theo commented, making Draco's head snap at your direction.

You were waiting for your Butterbeer, blissfully unaware of the way Cormac eyed you from head to toe.

"Draco—Mate is everything alright?" Blaise asked looking at how white Draco's knuckles had turned from gripping onto his glass.

"Just perfect." Draco said through gritted teeth. 

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