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"Y/N-chan, don't worry okay? You could stay here as long as you need." Amy reassured you after you had settled in your new room. You gave her a warm smile. 

"Arigato, Amy-chan," you told her. But couldn't help feel somewhat down. What would Sou-chan think? I literally left without a word. But this is the best. Right? 

Amy saw you lost in your thought, she couldn't help but let out a sad sigh. Amy sat down next to you. 

"Ne...Y/N-chan, Ian did tell me somewhat of your situation right now." Amy began. You snapped out of your thought and eye-widened. 

"He did what now-?" you stated in horror. 

"Well...I know you wouldn't like anyone to know. But...I promise you...This will only stay between you, me, Ian, and Souji-kun." Amy told you. You bitterly smile. 

Before you could speak, you saw your phone ring. It was Souji. You hesitated, didn't know whether you should pick up your phone. 

Amy saw it and grabbed it from your hand. 

"Amy-chan!!" you yelled. But Amy already answered it. 

"Moshi Moshi..." Amy greeted through the phone. 

"Amy, why do you have Y/N's phone? Is she with you right now? Can you hand the phone to her?" Souji rushed in with a bunch of questions. 

"Yes...Y/N is with me right now. But..." Amy said, looking at you. You quickly signaled her not to give you the phone. 

"But what? Is she hurt?" Souji worriedly asked. 

"She's fine. But..." Amy stepped outside of the room, "maybe it's not the best time for you guys to talk yet. You're about to shout at her for leaving without a word right?" 

"I--Well---" Souji stammered. 

"Souji-kun, I know you are worried for her. I'll try my best over here to keep her safe as well. But for now, I think you both could use it sometimes to cool down." Amy advised. 

"Okay. Sorry for causing you such troubles." Souji sighed. 

"Iie. It's fine. Now about that 'problem', I'll ask Gentle to pass something to you, okay?" Amy lowered her voice. You were in your room, looking at the photo of you and Souji when you guys were toddlers. 

"But wait...how did you know?" Souji asked in surprise,  "and N/N would be angrier if I received money from you to help pay the debt."

"Ian told me somewhat the gist of the whole thing." Amy explained, "as long as she doesn't know...everything should be fine." 

"I don't know, Amy..." Souji hesitated. 

"Well...I gotta go back now before she gets suspicious. Ja Nei." and with that Amy hung up before Souji could further protest. 

"Here you go." Amy handed back the phone. 

"What did he say?" you asked. 

"He says he understands your decision as of right now. I told him it's best for you two to cool down right now." Amy summarized. You sighed in relief and thanked her. 

"You know, Souji-kun is just worried about you." Amy explained.

You sighed for the nth time in the day, "I know that. But this is my problem. I couldn't pull him in or anyone else. You know how Souji could be...You guys even fought together." you elaborated. Amy looked down and nodded her head. 

"Don't worry, Amy-chan. I'll try to let this whole thing wrap up once and for all. Then I'll leave here." you stated. 

"Eh??? What do you mean by "leave here"?" Amy questioned. 

"Well...there's really no point of me staying here after I finished everything. I have to get back over there. I think I already cause enough trouble for my short visit back here." you explained. 

Amy was about to chirp in but you stopped her, "Please keep this a secret away from the others, okay?" you pleaded. 

Amy looked at you as you stared at her. 

"Alright," Amy said. 

"Arigato, Amy-chan." you hugged her. 

"Well....you should rest up now. I'll call you when dinner is ready." Amy said. 

"Okay." you smiled back and waved goodbye as she exited the room. 

You lay down on your new bed but couldn't think about how Souji would react if he found out that you will leave. 

Forgive me, ne...Sou-chan.


"This is as much as I can chip in Souji." King said, scratching his head. 

"It's fine, King. This helps a lot. Arigato!" Souji stated before he sped away. 

"But why do you need---" King was about to ask but saw Souji was no longer there. 

"Aish...what's happening?" King wondered. 

Souji finally got back to where he and Ian planned to meet. Souji saw Gentle was already there as well. 

"Souji-san, here's what Miss Amy asked me to hand to you." Gentle stated. 

"Arigato, Gentle-san. Can you tell Amy that I will try to pay her back soon?" Souji said. Gentle nodded before leaving. 

Ian was already counting the money. 

"So how much are we missing?" Souji asked, handing him Daigo's and Amy's portion. 

Ian raised up a finger before continue his calculation. 

"Only 100,000 yen left. I would say..." Ian told him. 

"Really?" Souji bit his lip. 

"Yeah. But before thinking of that last portion...how are you going to deliver the money to them....and we still need to rescue Y/N's mom." Ian told him. 

"Well...I don't know yet...maybe we could hack Y/N's phone or something..." Souji explained. Ian couldn't believe what he was hearing. 

"Oh my! That's a bad idea Boy-yah." Ian said. 

"Do you have a better one then?" Souji said in frustration.

"Well as of now...no. but not that hacking phone thing...you and Y/N already had enough tension right now. Especially this one thing too" Ian pointed. 

Souji sighed. 

"We'll figure it out either way," Ian stated. 

"Fine...but there's still 100,000 yen left," Souji said. 

"Could you ask your father? Isn't he coming home today?" Ian asked. 

"Yeah, he is. But I can't ask him...He will question it..." Souji answered. 

"But you will eventually have to tell him, right? Besides he does treat Y/N like his own daughter. He would be willing to help." Ian explained. 

Souji thought about it, "Fine. I'll give it a try." Souji stated. 

"Good. Now let's go ask him." Ian said, dragging Souji out of the restaurant. 

"Yah...Ian..." Souji grumbled as he being dragged out. 


Sorry for the long wait...Only a few more chapter before 'SECRETS'  is coming to an end. So stay tuned for the new chapters! How would Souji react if he knows you're planning to leave afterward? And don't forget, Souji is still dating Rin. Will Rin returned soon? 

Til' next time, 


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