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Normal POV

The next morning, both you and Souji didn't mention anything about last night. Both were peacefully having breakfast. And since it still early, Souji suggested you guys spare. 

"I'm gonna beat you this time!" you determined. 

"Hahaha, sure you will, Y/N-chan." Souji teased. You pouted. It's been years since you guys spared. Of course, Souji would win every time. 

"I've changed, Sou-chan. This time I'll make my winning mark." you determined. 

Souji chuckled and you guys began the spare. As if lucks were on your side, you smiled when you almost got the chance to take the victory, but then...

"Ohayo!" a voice called out as the door slide open. Just as you turned to look, Souji took that chance. He hit your hand, making you slipped your sword. 

You turned back looking shocked. 

"No fair!" you exclaimed. 

"Nu-uh. It's your fault for being distracted." Souji teased. You fumed. 

"I win again, Y/N-chan. Better luck next time." he chuckled pinching your cheek. 

You sighed and bent down to pick up your sword. You glared at the boy just walked in. 

"Ah, gomen. I didn't mean to make you lose, N/N." the boy apologized and handed you a small daisy. 

Souji glared at him and was about to grab the daisy but missed. 

"Boy-yah, this for N/N, not you," he stated. 

"Don't you dare to flirt with her, Ian," Souji grumbled. 

You finally stood and grabbed the flower in Ian's hand, "Arigato." you let out a small smile before heading in to put away your sword. 

"Let me do it." Souji offered, taking the sword from your hand before you could protest. He headed in and back out with two towels. 

"Here ya go, Y/N" 

You smiled and thanked him. Of course, you couldn't stay mad for very long. 

"So what are you here for?" Souji stated, "It's not time yet." He stated after glancing at the clock. 

"I came to pick you two up. Of course, especially to see cute N/N-chan." Ian winked at you. You blushed. Ian chuckled seeing your cute reaction. But Souji wasn't pleased. 

Souji's POV

Ugh, typical Ian. I must warn Y/N later to stay away from him then. 

"Let's get changed," I suggested, breaking the conversation between the two. Y/N nodded as she excused herself and went in first. While Ian looked at me and grinned like a maniac. 

"What?" I stated. 

"I sense jealousy," Ian replied after Y/N was gone. 

"Jealous? Pfft, who's jealous?" I said, trying to avoid the obvious answer. But I knew Ian wouldn't let go. 

"Boy, tell me honestly, you like Y/N right?" Ian asked. 

"Of course I like Y/N. She's my best friend." I answered. 

"You know what I mean..." Ian repeated. 


"Sou-chan, aren't you gonna change?" Y/N asked, walking back with a change attire. I must admit she looked very cute. 

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