Chapter 38

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Liams POV
September came and went quickly. I Love You is now said by both of us and it sounds great, yeah I'm whipped!!!! I can't believe how much my life has changed without Fire I would probably be dead or at least very close, me and Levi haven't been near the fight club in months, we don't need it any more, for me I'm not angry we'll I'm still angry at my father but it's not boiling up, Levi seems happy he spends a lot of time with Jamie I think he likes having a younger brother.
I made sure my dads house was locked up completely, I left the car there, I now have the Mercedes that Fire got me. I've still got the keys to the house because I'm not sure what to do with them. I'm gonna think on it.
Fire didn't want to do anything for her 18th a bit like me I guess, so her dad booked a nice restaurant for dinner on her actually birthday, then I arranged a small bonfire party for our group of friends it was nice. We got some great photos, she even put one of the whole gang on her Instagram.
We had a game tonight but Fire couldn't make it, something to do with her album and they wanted her to re-record one of the songs. We had been advised by the coach that there would be scouts at this game but he wouldn't tell us which ones.we won the game which was great, everyone headed to the showers when I got pulled to the side with Chase by the coach."Liam, Chase this is my friend Drew he is a scout for university of Florida and would like to talk to you together" the coach seemed to be confused by this and so were we. Coach walked off
"So boys, this is a bit strange but I noticed that you work really well together you have your own code between you and basically we are interested in both of you but the deal is both of you need to agree to come not just one of you, I hope you don't mind me talking about each of you now" we looked at each other "we are fine about it" I said " Great so, we have obliviously looked into your grades etc, Chase we need you to pick up your math grade by 1" Chase nodded " Ok, I can get a tutor I guess" "great just great so Liam........ummm" I could see he didn't know what to say so I started " My mum died and I went off the rails, I was basically failing every class and I even quite football" "so how come your grades are now this good and your back running the team, the coach explained how you got the team back in shape" " it's an easy answer Fire my girlfriend" Chase was smiling at me " she let me be me, I didn't need to pretend if I was or wasn't ok and then school kinda just fell into place" ' ok cool, well you two probably need to go and talk about it together but you will be hearing from me by the end of October, nice to meet you both" and with that he walked off, I turned to Chase "Umm did that just happen" we had the biggest smile on our faces " wow just wow, I'm happy with Florida if you are" Chase said basically jumping up and down "definitely" I said slapping him on the shoulder "can we keep it on the down low until the paperwork comes in, however I'm telling Fire if that's ok" "yeah sure sure no problem" we walked into the changing rooms, the coach looked at us and we gave him a thumbs up, he nodded and went to his office.
I didn't end up telling Fire I wanted to keep it a secret until I got the official paperwork through. So me and Chase have been patiently waiting and it's killing us to say the least.
It's been a whole 10 days, a whole 10 days we have had to keep our mouths shut, I had to hide the letter as it came to Fires address, I hid it in my school bag.
"Are you ok, you seem jumpy to day" she said as we got in the car
"I'm good I'm good, all is good" she gave me a small smile "okaaayyyy"
I found Chase at school and pulled him into an empty class you
"So have you received it?" He nodded we checked over the acceptance letters and it still stated we both had to accept to get into the university
"So are you happy to do this as I really want to go there" he said to me I nodded " Yeah I want to go there"
I pulled out my phone and phoned Drew,
"Hi Drew it's it's Liam and Chase from Bluestone High School, we have received your acceptances and we are just ringing to confirm we will be both accepting"
"That's great boys, can't wait to have you on the team and at the university see you next year" I hung up
"So are you dating Lizzy?" Chase scratched the back of his neck " ummm we have been on a few dates but I haven't asked her yet, why?"
" well as you know I didn't tell Fire, but I would like to tell her before we tell everyone else, so I didn't know if you wanted to tell Lizzy at the same time"
"Oh......... I hadn't thought about it, yeah ok I will
Lunchtime came really quickly, I dragged Fire by the hand into another empty class room, I was pacing in front of her
"So are you gonna tell me, why you are pacing like a caged tiger?"
I turn to her, "you said you didn't want to go to university and would just follow me, is, is it still what you want to do?"
"Yeah, I can basically live wherever as long as I can have a music room that sound proof yeah, why"
I came over to the table she was sitting on and opened my bag and pulled out some paperwork and handed it to her, she read it and a smile appeared on her face she jumped up and hugged me, "that's amazing Liam so we are off to Florida and Chase is coming to" I nodded with the biggest smile on my face, she kissed me on my nose then on my kiss, the kiss was full of love, I didn't want it to end, but we were interrupted by a teacher walking into the room, we quickly left and headed to the cafeteria, I bumped into Chase and we nodded to each other and headed over to our table Chase followed and some how the whole football was surrounding our table
"So why have we been told to meet at this table" Zac said looking at Chase, Chase turned to me "I messaged them all, thought it was easier to tell them all at once" I shrugged "Ok" I let Chase tell them, whilst I stood to the side holding Fire in my arms
"So you know when we played against Brookview High School a couple of weeks ago" everyone nodded
"Well there was a scout here from University of Florida" everyone started to whisper
"Well me and Liam got pulled to the side after the match and we met Drew the scout for them, he offered us full scholarships only if we both went to Florida and well as of today we are both going to the university of Florida to play Football" Chase turned to look at me with a full smile and I smiled back everyone started to congratulate us, it felt nice being in a team again, everyone spent the rest of the time discussing which university's they would like to go to, which scouts they think will turn up at our school.

Time hop
Senior year went so quickly, and we have just had our graduation ceremony Lizzy was valedictorian, she kept it very quiet and didn't tell us until the week before, Chase did ask her out when he told her about Florida and that's where she decided to go as well.
Zac got into the university of Southern California and Autumn is going to California Institute of Technology so they aren't far from each other.
Casey got a scholarship to Norte Dame
Levi and Brooke unaware that each other had applied for MIT both got in
Blake decided he didn't really want to go to university but wanted to do something in fitness so Ray and Stevie said they would take him on at the gym if he did a course so he is training to be a fitness instructor but also is looking at becoming a firefighter Paige also stayed local as she didn't want loads of debt and is going to the local university to become a nurse.
My dad sent me a message to say congratulations on graduating but I haven't replied, I'm not sure what to say, he hasn't asked if I did well or if I'm going to university so I haven't said anything to him, but I have decided I'm sending the house keys to his head office.

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