Chapter 17

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Liams POV

I have been looking forward to tonight ever since Fire said about the party, I really wish I hadn't said yes to the fight but it was to help Ray out. My fight was the first one so I could be in and out, go home get changed and get to the party quickly.  I walked into the bar and saw Stevie, I haven't seen him since the last time I had a fight, it was a bit awkward.  He walked over to me "I want to apologise for the way I behaved last time, I was being......a dick" "yeah you could say that, we didn't do anything wrong" " yeah I know, just promise me, you will treat her right" "huh" " Fire, I see the way you two look at each other, just don't hurt her or I will hurt you" he said whilst slapping my back and walking off "see you in the ring in 5" well that was easy, I knocked him out in under 1 minute, maybe I punched a bit hard. I was gonna ask her out tonight.....maybe.

Sapphires POV
We were all sitting in my room getting ready, Becky was so nervous, I've never seen anyone that nervous before, I guess I hung out with boys so they are all egos.
We put her in a pretty green dress, well I didn't I don't have a clue what I'm doing I'm just sitting on my bed drink vodka and cokes when Lizzy came up to me smiling and handed me a piece of cloth, "put this on, with some nice underwear" "huh" " Now it's your turn to dress up" " I don't do" waving my hands"pretty dresses" " your gonna knock him out" I tilted my head " you know Liam, we all know, something is going on" I rolled my eyes, and went to my underwear draw then to the bathroom, I came out trying to pull the dress down, I'm just glad it covered my scars on my back, but it was so short and very very tight, I'm so use to baggy clothes, "Wow, your gonna be the star of the night" "I don't want to be" pouting a bit " sit down Autumn is going to do your hair and makeup" an hour later we were all ready to go, we took some pictures, I took one of my legs with my red high heels on and sent it to Liam with the caption " am I gonna be screaming your name in just red heels 😉
Liam : god your killing me, I'm leaving the bar now, and yes you will be screaming my name
I was giggling, the girls wanted to know why so I showed them the picture, they all blushed, that's when it hit me, they probably haven't had boyfriends before.
" Umm have any of you had boyfriends before or been on dates" Becky shook her head along with Lizzy, Autumn has been out on dates and kissed a boy " have you?" Lizzy asked " ummm yeah, and then some" they gasped "tell us" I rolled my eyes, ok but can we start walking to the house it is round the corner. " I was 15 he was 16, we had been dating 6ish months, we went to a party had a few to drink, I wasn't drunk just tipsy, then we went back to his, and one thing lead to another, so yeah  and we carried on dating and now I'm living here" we walked in the house, it was 10;30 and the place was packed, with lots of people that were drunk passed out or dancing, " my advice to you girls is don't drink, learn the layout of what happens and then next time you can have a drink, if you get uncomfortable find me or Casey, Chase even Blake, Levi or Liam, ok, just have fun". 
The girls all looked really good, they didn't look out of place, they were all pretty they just needed some confidence.  We had been In the kitchen for a little while, when Levi walked in I grabbed him, "Levi, why don't you get Becky a drink" he looked at me, I just nodded at him "Ok????" It came out as a question "I know you like her" I whispered "just ask what she is doing this weekend?" She had mentioned she was going to see a soccer or football game, I get confused with the names as they are different to the uk ones, but he likes one of them so it's a starting point, 1 down 2 to go. I looked around and saw Chase, ummmm I think he would prefer Lizzy her dad and brother have bikes, I grabbed Chase " you know I helped you out, now it's my turn" I said smiling at him he stopped smiling " first are you drunk?" "No, I only just got here" "Good my favour is, talk to Lizzy" "about what, I don't know her?"  I rolled my eyes "she likes motorbikes, I don't know if she knows much about them but her dad has been teaching her how to fix them" "Oh cool, ok" off he went, I'm like a little Cupid, I turned round to talk to autumn and she was already talking to Zac, my job is done, I did a little clap and a jump " Well well, my little Firecracker" was whispered into my ear, which sent shivers down my spine he then wrapped his arms around me "so when do I get to take that lovely dress off" " your gonna have to work for that," he then grabbed my drink "Hey, you could have just asked, I would have made you one, do you even like vodka and coke" he took a sip, "didn't know you liked a drink, I sighed " why is everything I do a surprise to you" I said turning around in his arms and looking straight up at him and stealing my cup back " Do you think I have no life?" He is still looking at me, I just want to get lost in his eyes, his hands start to move down my back, I don't stop him, his hands are now just above my butt, he smirks then someone coughs and interrupts us to grab a drink I use this to break from him and top up my drink and make him one which I give to him, I try pulling my dress down and he grabs my hand " you look beautiful in that dress, you should wear them more often" I rolled my eyes "Don't do that, don't roll your eyes, come on let's dance"

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