Chapter 23

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Sapphires POV

I'm so excited, I'm pacing in the hallway waiting for my dad and brother to arrive, I look out the window and see a car pull up, I'm out the front door and running to the car and bear hug my dad " Your really here" " no we are in your head" my brother said with a shrug leaning against the car, I'm sure he is going to break some hearts when he starts school in January.
I let dad go " are you ready to see your new home?" "yes all my stuff is packed in my car, I will follow you" 5 minutes later we pulled up to a lovely bungalow, you can see the vines where roses will grow in the summer, Dad had seen the house from pictures but obviously never been in it.  It was so much larger inside, a big lounge on the left with a kitchen and dining room in front of us and a study next to dining room
"Walk past the study the bedrooms are down there" my dad said me and Jamie walked along the corridor " shall we open the doors together you take the right one and I will take the left, on the count of 3........3" I opened mine, the room was painted in purple, white and silver, with a king size bed in the middle, walk-in closet and en-suite. Dad came up behind me " I had someone come in last week and paint all the rooms and set up the furniture, do you like the colours?" " it's perfect, thanks dad" Jamie's room was the same as mine but was painted blue, gray and white. We spent the rest of the day unpacking the stuff we had, the rest would arrive next week.
It was now Monday Jamie was with Casey, dad was..... somewhere, I was going to the bar to start work on the walls after school, I had asked the boys to come and help me.  Stevie was there with Ray
"Hi guys"
"So I had an idea, this room is so big and I think your missing an opportunity" they were both looking at me
" you have a music and entertainment license, why don't you hold gig nights, battle of the bands etc, under 21 nights, we, well the lads could build a stage under the ring and just use it when needed"
"See dad I told you, you should get music involved"
" I don't know, it's a lot of work"
"But think of the money we could be making dad, I can help out, I'm in my final year of university, we can take on more staff" Ray looked at us for a few minutes
"Ok, you win, let Stevie know what he needs to buy, remember opening night is next Saturday, I can't have it closed any longer"
"Right, I see everything has been cleared away, do you want to go and work out what you need to buy for the bar, I'm guessing more glasses, more chairs and tables, is your sound system up to scratch?"
" yeah I will do that now, shouldn't take long, the sound system is only 18 months old but I am gonna buy some more speakers and another sub"
" can I put some music on whilst painting" I handed him my phone and he connected it.
" see you in a couple of hours" as he walked out Liam, Levi and Blake walked in, I walked towards them " ahhh my slaves have arrived" I said laughing kissing Liam
"Umm something you want to tell us?" Blake said looking at us holding hands
"Liam I knew we forgot something" I said smirking at him, Liam turned to Blake and Levi " we have been dating each other for a couple of weeks, we wanted to keep it on the down low, until after I meet her dad, so can you keep your mouths shut" they both looked at both of us and just nodded.
I clapped my hands making Levi jump "Sorry Levi, right now I have you guys for the day, I need you to cover the floor with those sheets once that is done all the walls and ceilings need to be painted white, I'm gonna re-stain the bar then come and help you.
I was in my own little world humming to the song playing when a pair of arms wrapped round my waist " I've missed you" he whispered in my ear " you saw me 3 days ago" I turned round and kissed him on the lips and he pulled me in for a deeper kiss " I can still miss you" " and everyone said you are a bad boy, your just a puppy" his eyes got darker " Oh darling I am your bad boy don't forget that" he let go of me winked and walked away.

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