Chapter 5

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Liam's POV

I had managed to avoid Sapphire all month, it's not that I like her or anything, I just don't like her bodyguards and they are with her all the time.
I was really surprised when I walked into the gym to see her leaving, and the fact that she is happy to answer me back with sarcastic comments maybe it's just her British accent, but I couldn't be angry at her, but then when I found out she had a date with Stevie, I felt my fist clench, I don't like her, she doesn't like me, I just keep repeating in my head. I took my anger out on the punching bag.
"Hay,hay what's got you so angry, the punching bag hasn't done anything to you" Blake said grabbing the bag
"Does it have something to do with that lovely looking girl that had you fumbling for words as we walked in" Blake said wiggling his eyebrows
"It's got nothing to do with her" I said taking a swing at the bag
"Oh course not, oh Stevie, so you have a date Friday" he said smirking at me, Stevie walked over
"Yeah, looking forward to it, Fire, is..... unique" he said smiling making me want to hit him not the punching bag, I was trying to ignore him and Blake
"So how did you meet her?"
Great thanks Blake, now I get to hear this I thought to myself
"She came her looking for self defence classes and then we started boxing lessons"
"Don't mean to be mean but aren't you a little old for her" I said still punching the bag
"Hey, I'm only 3 years older, I'm only 20"he said with a frown
It's Thursday and I saw her, I can't even say her name, so I decided to hook up with one of my conquests, but the whole time I was kissing her all I thought about was running my hands through Fires hair, what her lips would taste like, I need to get a grip.  I finished our make out session and looked over and Fire was staring at me, good I got her attention, no wait I don't want her attention. She tilted her head then rolled her eyes, turned round to Chase I think it is, " Nope, leave me alone" she said walking past me, he then grabbed her and pushed her well shoved her into a classroom, she had pure panic in her eyes as he blocked the doorframe, she was backing away from him, like she was scared of him.
"Fire, what is your problem with us, we are only being friends" he said stepping away from the door and closer to her.
Am I gonna have to step in, he wouldn't be stupid enough I mean, it's in school and the classroom has windows in I mean I'm watching them
"Chase, you are........out of order all of you, none of you are my boyfriend yet you all act controlling, yes I want you as friends but none of you are being friends, now until you can sort out whatever is going on with you guys, I don't want anything to do with you" she barged past and walked off.

5 chapters done- any ideas why she is here?

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