Chapter 27

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Sapphires POV

I wanted this afternoon to be fun, I was so happy when Evan called and thanks to Casey I'm now crying my eyes out he is an idiot. I'm sitting in my room trying to stop the tears, when there was a knock on the door and a packet of cookies was waved through the door " eat me" " come in Liam and yes I will eat the cookies" he sat on the bed and pulled me in to his chest " thank you for telling us, but I know that's not the whole story, you don't have to tell me today or next week but I will be here when your ready" " what has happened to this bad boy, I haven't seen him, I think everyone lied" I mumbled into his chest.
" well they did lie and make rumours up and I didn't do anything about them, I just let everyone believe them" I pulled out his chest and looked at him, He shrugged, I grabbed his chin and pulled his face up so we were looking at each other " why didn't you do anything about the rumours?" " didn't see the point, I was in a bad place and wanted people to stay away and the rumours did that, well apart from you, they didn't seem to work" he said tilting his head at me " no they didn't, I found you..... intriguing" " they say curiosity killed the cat" " good thing I'm not a cat" I said smiling at him " why didn't you believe the rumours?" " ummmm I dunno, it was your eyes, I was drawn to them, I wanted to know you from you, not from other people"
" most of the rumours are sort of half true, like people have said I'm a drug dealer I'm not but I did do drugs in the past but haven't done them in a while, they don't go well with boxing, I've been arrested but not for beating people up, just for being drunk. I've slept with a lot of girls but they knew what they were getting, just a fuck nothing else, no relationship no friends with benefits" "Ok, so what's with Claire?" He sighed " I should have never gone there but I was so blind drunk and she had been pestering me for months, I gave in but it just made it worse, she wanted a relationship and I didn't, I guess now she is just jealous that we have become so close and I didn't with her" I kissed him on the nose, " So school is gonna be fun tomorrow, so is it just Claire I'm watching out for?" He nodded " your so lucky my ex is in another country" " would he be jealous?" " to be honest if the incident hadn't happened I would have probably still been with him, but you can't change what's happened" "oh" "Sorry that didn't come out right, it's just if nothing happened I wouldn't be out here I wouldn't have met you, I would have carried on in my little bubble in England" " I know that your here due to whatever happened but I'm glad it happened because I met you and your mine" he said kissed my neck then pushing me on my back with him on top, his hands were inside my top, my hands were pushing his top up, our kisses were getting deeper and our hands were everywhere, when there was a knock at the door breaking us apart, we both moaned and rolled our eyes "yes" I shouted as we got up and pulled our tops down "we are gonna watch a film, you coming" Becky said "yeah I guess" I said pulling Liam along into the lounge. At some point I fell asleep and woke up in bed with Liam hugging me.

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