Chapter 30

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Sapphires POV
I spoke to my record label and we agreed to start touring my album in America, as I would be breaking up for the summer soon, I would do weekend promotions at the moment be it local states or Skype interviews and then join a touring band/group as a warm up act for 2 months once the summer holidays start. They also asked me if I started on my second album, I have, I have already decided what to call it but only if Liam starts playing football again.
Levi and Liam basically live at our house now, Levi is turning 17 in 2 weeks and was going to have a house party with our group of friends, nothing big.  I do find it strange how these 3 guys were meant to be be bad boys but they aren't, I haven't seen them get in fights, they don't tend to go to parties all the time in fact they usually keep themselves to themselves, or is it they are growing up and actually have a group of friends that they trust. We are all sitting at our usual lunch table laughing and joking as if we have been friends for years. I am just watching them and wondering if I hadn't of come to this school what each person would have been like, I can guess that they definitely wouldn't be friends with the boys.  At that moment Liam came over with his tray and sat next to me "you ok Fire?" I wrapped his arm round me "yeah, just thinking what you guys would be doing if my amazing self hadn't decided to live with my cousins"
"ummm well I probably would be at home drunk, passed out and covered In bruises from a fight, we definitely wouldn't be friends with the girls, I sometimes wonder if I would still be in school" "really" I turned to look at him "really, I was pretty messed up, you saved me, just by coming to school everyday" he kissed my forehead and we went back to talking to everyone.
It's Thursday and I have decided to give the gym a miss tonight and let the boys do there thing, whilst us girls had a girls night, I mainly wanted to find out what was going on with everybody.  We were in my bedroom with the music going painting nails, well I'm not at some point they are going to notice.
"So Becky, I spoke to Levi have you given him an answer" autumn and Lizzy looked up but Becky kept her head down looking at her toes "No"
"why not, is it all to do with Liam because you are not dating him I am and he hasn't done a thing wrong" I'm starting to get annoyed with her blaming everything on Liam.  She sighed "I don't know, I'm worried that he will turn into Liam" she looked up at me, I must have steam coming out my ears "WHAT, Liam has done nothing and I mean nothing to you ever, he has only ever been nice to you since the 2 groups joined, have you ever seen him do anything wrong, bad or you haven't, do you know what happened 2 years ago to him?.......No you don't, do you know if the rumours are true?....... No you don't, do you know how close Levi and Liam are?........did you know that they have basically raised themselves for the last 2 years, no one has helped them, did you know he asked for help.......No you didn't, he asked for help from the school and they ignored him" they were all looking at me as I was getting angrier and angrier "you know what Becky, You don't deserve Levi, they are brothers I'm glad he gave you the choice because it shows to me you don't care about him only yourself because if you did, you would want to find out why he wants you to like Liam, do you even know why Levi is living with Liam?" "No" she whispered, "I do" with that I walked out of my room.
5 minutes later I heard the front door close, Lizzy and Autumn came into the lounge "I'm sorry I shouted but she drives me insane"
"it's ok Fire, she kinda had it coming, I don't know why she is so caught up on Liams past, it's got nothing to do with Levi" Autumn said, "shall we go back into your room and finish what we started" "ok".
"So I'm sort of seeing Zac" "What" Lizzy squealed to Autumn, "details please"
"Well since the party we have been texting, then we went on a date, and since then we have been seeing each other when we are free, we have another date next week, I'm hoping he is going to ask me out" "you go girl" Lizzy said "But.... I need your opinion" "Ok" I said "well he is friends with Casey and Chase and they aren't particularly friendly to us, I don't really want to sit with them at lunch, but I don't think Zac would sit at our table so I'm stuck, I like our little group, if we do start going out what should I do?" they were both looking at me
" well if I was in your position, I would switch between tables Monday ours Tuesday his and see how it goes, I've tried to get Casey to be nicer to Liam but there is just to much history, really Liam should be the one that is ignoring Casey. Least they actually say Hi to each other now" "thanks that's a good idea"
I then turned to Lizzy, "so Chase?" "Nothing, he has texted me a few times other than that nothing, he basically ignored me" Lucy looked sad "Sorry about him, do you want me to kick him up the back side?" "Yes please" she laughed then we changed he subject.

I couldn't get what Becky said out my head, I know I shouldn't but I need to speak to Levi, so I text Liam to see if he was still at the gym and he replied they were just leaving, I dropped the girls at there homes and headed over to see the boys. I walked in the house, yes they gave me a key "your Queen is here" I shouted, I found them in the kitchen eating pizza "all you seem to do is eat" they both tried to talk with there mouths full, " stop, just eat then talk" "what did you want us for?" Liam asked not looking up from his pizza. I hesitated, I sat down on a stool " so, what I am about to say doesn't leave this room, ok....... so the girls came over tonight and Becky started talking about how you gave her the choice, of Liam or nothing" Levi nodded "well.......basically she hates Liam and thinks you are gonna turn into him, if you stay being friends with him, when I called her out on it and asked her to show me what she was talking about she couldn't, I think she basically believes all the rumours and won't be persuaded to change her mind and I may have said that you are better off without her, if she is going to make you dump Liam for her"
"What have a ever done to her, I'm so sick and tired of all the rumours" Liam had his head in his hands, "it's ok Liam, thanks for telling me Fire, I think I'm better off, letting her crazy ass go, I'm not dropping my brother for no one" 
I was running my hands through Liams hair, he looked up at me "it's never gonna change is it?"I just wanted to hide him from the world he looked so sad and lost, " it's everyone else's problem, if they don't want to get to know you, just means I get more time with you and don't have to scare off any crazy girls" he smiled at that " I don't think I have ever seen you in jealous mode, Claire just makes you angry" I shrug my shoulders " I haven't had a reason to get jealous" I then kissed his lips.

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