Chapter 6

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Sapphires POV

I haven't told Casey anything about tonight, I told my Aunt that my self defence class were going out after and that I would be late home, she isn't my mum or dad so I'm not telling her I have a sort of date.  Stevie, is nice, the age gap isn't a problem for me, I'm guessing it's not for him, just not sure what's gonna happen, just have to wait and see.
I saw Liam sucking someone's face off on Thursday, I don't know why but it bothered me a little bit, I mean he is good looking, over 6 feet tall light brown hair that always looks like he has just woken up, and he has these green eyes that are just intoxicating but I don't know anything about him, I mean the rumours well are just rumours but they could be true but I don't judge a book by it's cover.
Chase pulled me out of my trance and pushed me into a classroom, it freaked me out completely, his face, he didn't look like Chase he looked like the monster from my past, he spoke with venom. I needed to get out of the classroom and away from him fast.  I want nothing to do with them.
It was now Friday and the bell had just rung to tell us it was freedom time, I ran out the classroom and jumped in the car. I wasn't meeting Stevie until 4, I realised I had an hour to kill, I don't smoke in the car, so I got out and lit a cigarette and phoned Richie it was like 9:30am in England, so he had just opened the shop
" Hi, Richie, is it a good time to talk?" I leaned against my car talking and catching up with what Richie is up to, I don't ask about Leah any more and it's killing me. I think I'm drawn to Stevie because he is similar to Richie and i had a massive crush on him but he was my best friends brother so he was no go.
" Oh I have a date tonight." I looked up to see Liam walking towards his car, I smiled at him
"Really, the bodyguards are letting you out?"
"They don't know about it, I'm gonna have to go I've got a boxing lesson, speak to you later" I got in my car and followed Liam out the car park.
"Wow, that lesson was hard work today, it's my birthday you could have taken it easy on me" I said smiling
"Sorry no can do" he said putting our gear away.
Stevie walked over to a group of guys " Sorry guys I'm closing early tonight, got somewhere better to be with a pretty lady" he said turning to me
We went and grabbed a shower, I wasn't sure what to wear he said casual so I went with black new rock boots, tight black jeans and a purple fitted top that had a wolf in silver on it, my leather jacket that had Warrior Fighter written on the back, my hair was still a bit damp, so I tied it up in a loose side ponytail.
"Wow don't you look pretty" he said
"Thank you, you look rather handsome too" he was wearing washed out jeans, black boots and a tight fitted blue T-shirt that matched his blue eyes perfectly and showed off his muscles nicely.
We walked to the doors, he turned off the lights and locked up, there was a note on the door,
Sorry guys, gym is closed tonight got a date with a very pretty lady.
" like the note" I said with a smile
"What it's true, come on let's get something to eat, we can go in my car"
"I love your car, I think your favourite colour is blue" I said getting in his car
"Well I could the same to you, your favourite colour is purple" he said looking over at my car
" how did you know that was my car"
" firstly, it's the last car left in the car park, secondly I saw you pull up in it"
"Ok, fair points, so where we going, I still don't know much about this town"
"Well you said you liked burgers, so there's this burger place down the road"
The place was packed, mostly with teenagers, a waitress walked us to a table, Stevie was holding my hand, I didn't even realise, it was nice, I recognised some of the people mostly the cheerleaders, they started to stare and whisper.
"I'm guessing you know those girls" he said sliding in the booth to sit opposite me
"They are in my year, I don't know them, apparently they don't like me because I know Chase and Casey" I said with a shrug
" well you can't do much about that considering you live with Casey"
"Try telling that to them" as I laughed, we ordered our meals, the waitress was eying up Stevie but he didn't even notice, there were no awkwardness, just free flowing conversation.  Our food turned up.
"God, you are right, this burger is heavenly" I said as he chuckled
"Glad you approve, do you think you have room for dessert"
I shook my head " I can't eat anything else, I'm stuffed"
"Who said it was food" he smirked I laughed
"Ok,you got me there"
The bill came and he wouldn't let me pay, " ok fine you win this round but I will pay next time" I said as we got up out the booth, he grabbed my hand again " think of it as your birthday present, and you want to spend more time with me, you mean you haven't got annoyed of me yet"
"I like your company, you haven't annoyed me.....yet" laughing
" So we are gonna be a little early but we could help my dad set up if you don't mind" he said getting in the car
"So your dad owns the boxing place"
"Yeah he owns the bar, it's just round the corner from the gym, most guys go to the gym warm up, I close at 9 and the matches start at 10"

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