Chapter 9

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Sapphires POV

Well that just got steamy quickly, I thought he liked me, but that kiss even tho it was on my neck sent tingles everywhere, and his voice oh, it was sexy and husky and will definitely have my legs turn to jelly, good thing I was sitting down.  I couldn't think of anything else, all we have done is look at each other, ok he did sit with me at the lake and we went out to eat but then he ignored me for like 6 weeks.  I'm so intrigued by him, I want to know him, share his secrets. Is it bad that I'm thinking of Liam instead of Stevie. I looked at my watch oh my god I'm so dead, the last match was about the start, I grabbed Stevie, "I'm sorry I'm gonna have to go, I'm so dead, I had a lovely time, this was definitely a first" I kissed his cheek " text me when you get home, sorry I can't take you home" " it's cool, see ya later" I ran out the building towards my car, pulling up onto the driveway, it was like 2am. I tried to creep into the house but obviously Casey and Chase happened to be sitting in the kitchen.
I walked into the kitchen grabbed a glass of water, I couldn't hide my smile, " night boys" I went to walk out the room " Umm Fire, we would like to say sorry, I know we went a bit over board but we were are worried about you, we don't know why your living here, no one will tell us, we just guessed it was something bad and we wanted to keep you safe" I turned round and sat back down as Casey finished talking " thank you, I accept your apology, yes something horrible happened that's why I left, but I don't want to talk about it, I like it here, I do like you guys when your not being over protective jerks, I just want to make friends at school and because you are being well you, I can't"
"Ok we will give you that, sorry we are a bit over protective but your like our sister, we promise to be better, so where have you been?" Said Casey.
" I had a date" I said with a smile they went to start talk " hold it, his name is Stevie, I have being taking self defence classes and he was the instructor, we kinda hit it off but........" I looked at my hands "but???" Said Chase, " I think I like someone else, someone that probably isn't a good idea, but I need to think it out, anyways why you still up and why are you still here, Chase do you actually live here and I just don't know it?" I said laughing and hitting him in the shoulder.
"We went to a party got back about 10 minutes before you did, I kinda live here, I don't like going home so I crash on the floor in Caseys room" "Oh sorry, that was like me, hated being at home, no that's not true, I hated being round my mum" yawning I stood up "night boys"
The boys have definitely been better  this week and I think I'm making some girl friends, I apologised to Lizzy about the boys and she introduced me to her friends Becky and Autumn. I kept an eye out for Liam, Blake and Levi, I just like to watch him, that sounds creepy, but I can't explain it, the way he carries himself like he doesn't give a fuck, well he doesn't. 
We were sitting in the cafeteria having lunch when the room hushed and the boys walked in, this is the first time this week I have seen them in here usually they are outside, they grabbed some food,
Becky whispered " I don't understand how they don't care what people think of them, they are just trouble, they should be kicked out" I rolled my eyes at her, she was such a goody two shoes, I wouldn't have picked her to be friends with but I like Lizzy and Autumn. Liam looked around the place and spotted me, next thing I know he is sitting next to me with the boys facing me, that's when the place erupted with whispers but they weren't that quiet.
"How can I help you gentlemen this lunch time" I said facing Liam
"I wouldn't call us gentlemen, my lady" he said back whilst eating his sandwich.
"Well I didn't want to call you bad boys or players etc when I don't really know you, as they say don't judge a book by it's cover"
He then whispered in my ear" Oh I'm definitely bad, just depends how bad you want me to be" he then bit my ear, oh lord, I've died and gone to heaven or is it hell, I don't care as long as Liams there. "Cat got your tongue? That will be a first?" I just nodded. Levi and Blake where in a conversation by themselves, the girls next to me where just watching me and Liam. His shoulders and legs were touching mine sending waves of electricity through me, can he feel that too. "So are you going to the bar Friday?" "Umm I hadn't thought about it to be honest?" "No date number 2 for Stevie then" was he jealous "Ummm it's complicated, so are you asking me to come or telling me to come" as soon as I said that sentence I knew it was wrong, he smirked and still whispering "mmmmm, I could have you coming all night long my firecracker, but I would like you to come, we are all in a match you can be my lucky charm" " I'm not sure about lucky, you did see me hit a guy with a tray right?" He just laughed at me " I sure did, it was....very you" he said standing up as he finished his sandwich " see you Friday, firecracker" and with that they left me, with my mouth hanging open.
"What the hell was that about" Lizzy whisper yelled
I turned to them " I'm kinda sorta friends..... with ......ummm Liam"
"WHAT" they said in unison
"Your gonna get hurt by them, they are nothing but trouble, have you heard what they get up too?" Becky said staring at me
"Ok, Becky, I don't know you that well, but as I said to Liam, I don't judge a book by it's cover, and he has been nothing but nice to me" and flirty I thought to myself
"He just wants to get in your pants"
"Sorry but what is your problem with them?"
"They sleep around and do what the hell they want and don't give a damn about anyone else, if you get involved with them, you are just getting in bed with trouble, drugs, drink and tattoos"
" your serious aren't you, well sorry miss goody two shoes, but I'm no Angel and I have tattoos, sorry Lizzy and Autumn, sorry for interrupting your lunch, I think I'm gonna go for a walk" I got up and left
I text Richie asking if I can call him later tonight, I needed to vent at someone.
I also text Stevie asking for his dads number as I wanted to know if he needed any help Friday.  I think I have come to the conclusion I like Stevie but I don't fancy him or see him as by boyfriend, I'm hoping he will be my friend.
Ray doesn't need help this Friday but said I can come down and watch, but he does want to talk about getting the walls painted.

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