Chapter 2

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Sapphires POV

It's now Monday morning and Casey has dragged me to the school office to get my schedule and he is walking me to home room, I'm not with him but with Lucas and Chase. I walk into the class, the teacher looks up
" I'm new"
" yes the new student, please introduce yourself"
"I'm Sapphire"
" Sapphire, come and sit with us"
" Thanks Chase" I said as I looked at the teacher then moved towards them
" I see you know people that's good"
" yes they are people" i mutter, noticing a guy behind my seat smirking.
" can we look at your schedule, see if we have any classes together" said Lucas
I handed it over " and I thought you were too good for school" I sniggered
" Do you not like us" said Chase
" I like you as individuals but as a group your a pain in my ass and I have a feeling your gonna get worse, have you seen the death stares I'm getting from Barbie 1 and 2"I said as I waved to them
" ok very true, you have your classes split over most of us, so your safe" said Chase
Nothing much happened all week, got stared at by pretty much all the cheerleaders but the boys are true to there word and stayed with me at all times, felt like I had 5 body guards it was getting a bit overwhelming, I had a free period on Friday so I went for a walk around the school, I found a like picnic area with no one around, took out my cigarettes and lit one, I then phoned Richie I spent the next 20 minutes talking about a load of crap
" so how comes you phoned me"
" I had a free period, and I don't really know anyone apart from my body guards, they are doing my head in, you would hate them, they think they are players, all they have done is sleep through the cheerleaders"
" really, how original"
" I know right" I said laughing
I was sitting facing away from the school building I hadn't noticed anyone until I went to lay across the picnic bench, I saw someone out the corner of my eye.
" anyways, I have one class left for today, which I believe is art, before I go is Leah ok, she won't return my calls or texts"
" ummmm, just give her some time, she is really sorry"
" I would like to point out all that shit happened to me not her, so please can you get her to at least text me, I'm here by myself I want my best friend back" with that I hung up the phone.
I grab another cigarette and start looking for my lighter in my bag, when one appears in front of me, I look up it's the guy from my home room " umm thanks" we stayed in silence for a few minutes.
" What are you doing out here" he said
" well isn't that obvious, I'm doing my laundry" he just chuckles at me
" Most people don't answer me back"
" I'm not most people" I said as my phone went off,
" oh for god sake,they won't leave me alone"
" I'm guessing your bodyguards" he said as he opened the door for me, I went to turn around the corner " aren't you going to ask my name?" He said, " nope, I'm sure you will tell me eventually" I said as I waved at him goodbye.
A new player has entered the game.

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