4. Family Planning

Start from the beginning

Jimin voice cracked slightly, but he remained firm with chastisement.

His eyes cold and dark, his brows now furrowed together on his forehead.

"If you hurt me like that again, I might just have to start punishing you and hurt you as you hurt me!"

You thought back to the knocking blow to your head and the force used to drag you away from the front door.

Jimin, although his face didn't convey, was strong and able to overpower you very easily. He was solid and built, while you lacked strength altogether.

If Jimin was to start getting violent with you, you'd end up being even weaker and it'd be even more difficult to escape.

You had to be smart about this.

With a strained smile, you wrapped your arms around Jimin's neck and pulled him closer to you.

"I'm sorry Jimin. I promise I'll behave now. I... love you too."

Going against every cell in your body, you closed the gap between you and pressed your lips to his.

Jimin pulled back and gasped in surprise.

"Y-Y/N! What's going on! W-why did you do that?"

"You've been so good to me, yet I've been so terrible to you. You brought me to this lovely house, gave me a luxurious bedroom, you feed me and buy me lots of things. How could I have been so blind? You love me, right? It's only fair that I return those feelings."

Jimin's eyes softened as he began to cry, the tears pouring down his face.

"Thank you Y/N! Thank you! I love you! I do! So much! I love you more than anything! Thank you!"

He scooped you into his arm and hugged you tight, squeezing you in his embrace.

He grabbed your chin and twisted your head to face him.

"I'll be the best husband, I promise!"

Without giving you time to respond, he took your lips and began to pour out all of his emotions into this one action.

The kiss was passionate, his tongue dancing with your own.

"I've imagined this moment so many times."

You trembled in his arms, trying not to make any sounds. Despite the terrible person that Jimin was, you couldn't deny that he was a skilled kisser.

He began to palm your ass, taking his time to grip and grope it, enjoying the feel of your butt in his hand. He took a big handful and shook it, relishing in the delightful sensations.

With your head in the crook of his neck, you bit down hard on your bottom lip, refusing to let out any sound.

You couldn't help but feel good. The way he was nibbling on your neck and how every place he touched felt hot.

It was different from last time. That time, you felt dirtied and the only emotions you could sense from Jimin was lust and desire.

But now, he was slightly gentler. You could feel the love in all his actions. Your fake confession spurred Jimin to act this way.

It was scary how much power you held and over him in terms of Jimin's emotions.

You may be physically weaker, but mentally, Jimin was your lesser. He was obviously unstable and took all your words at face value. You finally had an advantage.

I can use this.

You looked at Jimin from the corner of your eyes and saw him diligently sucking on your neck.

"You're so good at this Chim Chim."

Jimin shuddered at the pet name.

"I like that name...say it again."

"Chim Chim~"

He groaned and buried his head back into your neck. His hand made its way between your two bodies and he began to palm himself over his sweatpants.

You're face contorted into one of distaste before quickly covering it up with a sweet smile.

"Jimin, I'm so full after that yummy breakfast I want to go back to sleep now. Night night."

"But I'm-"

"Night Night!"

You laid down and covered yourself with the duvet.

Reluctantly, Jimin got off the bed, his motions stiff. He wanted you to at least touch him, but no such luck.


You stayed silent.

"Alright then, good night. I love you."

With that Jimin exited the room, making sure to lock it after leaving.

You laid there in your soaked sheets, thinking about this sudden upper hand.

I'm going to get out of here, I am! I have to be smart about this!

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