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Hi lovelies,

I'm sorry to announce this but His Angel, Her Treasure is officially going on hold since I'm not in the right frame of mind to finish up this book. Here's to hoping I sort out my mess soon and come back with more power to end this book with a bang. Until then, I have another book coming out hopefully soon, so I'd love it if you guys stuck around for that!

In case you are wondering like, "how can she go on writing another book but not this?" Long story short, this book has a lot of things that remind me of who I used to be from a couple years ago and I'm attached to them on a deeply personal level. I'm coming out of that "cocoon" now because that wasn't right for me, not then, not now, and definitely not in the future. So if I am to completely come out of that cocoon and become a better person for myself, I have to take a break from this book. Just how long? I don't know. 

Obviously, you are under no compulsion to stick around and read my other book, but I would absolutely be blessed if you give the same amount of love you've given HAHT and SharAdi. Hopefully, I'll be more consistent with the update schedule and have a more structured story to tell!

Thank you for all your love,
Stay Safe,
Anupama ♥

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2021 ⏰

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