16. Rose Took My Nose I Suppose

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Hi guys.
I'm here and I brought a little Newtmas at the end of the chapter with me.

Also, I love the video above, but it's not part of the story.


"Now, before we see the next part, which I'm sure I know is the train scene. I'm going to point out that I don't care if you think it was crazy or not. I will do it all over again" Dylan said seriously. 

"It was crazy" coach said with a satisfied grin. "I liked it"

"Only you coach" Jackson sighed "though I must admit it was pretty cool"

"OW, thanks, Jax." Dylan's smirk whipped out when someone slapped him on the shoulder "ouch, what was that for?" He pouted at Thomas

"You're going to give me a bloody heart attack Dyl" Thomas frowned earning a sheepish smile from him.

"So you saved him? Minho?" Jane asked

"No, Minho wasn't in there, but Aris and Sonya were"

"So how did you saved him?"

"The twat decided to ditch us and go to the last city, which means exactly that, alone to save him. Fry and I caught him and went with him. Then Brenda and Jorge joined us. And then the rest" Newt explained to the room.

"Then we got there and saw Gally outside the walls of the city" Fry continued.

"You mean I saved your asses," Gally said with a roll of his eyes.

"I still can't believe you are alive after Minho threw a spear at your chest," Ethan said in disbelief.

"What happened next?" Aidan asked ignoring his twin.

"Newt almost died getting in" Thomas deadpanned and everyone gasped.

"Thanks, shank" Newt rolled his eyes fondly.

"You know I didn't get your 'Tommy loves trains' comment until now" Gally laughed

"We figured out the only way to get in the WCKD headquarters is if Teresa helps, so we kidnapped her." Dylan started to explain everything up until they saw Minho.

Everyone smiled at their reunion.

"Anger issues much?" Derek commented

"Oh, you are one to talk" Dylan snapped at him

"I like to see you getting tutored for months and see how you would react then" Minho raised an eyebrow at him.

"Oh, I like this part. I heard about the jump so many times I love to see it myself" Jorge grinned, changing to topic before another fight began.

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