1. What the bloody hell is happening

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Dylan and Thomas were sitting in Dylan's hotel room watching Lord Of The Rings but not really paying attention to it. They had just finished a 4 hours photoshoot an hour ago and both were too tired so they were just dozing in the sofa while the movie was playing in the background.
Thomas ground stretching his muscles and turning toward Dylan, he was building the courage to say something important to Dylan for a long time now but when he opened his mouth to finally say what he wanted to say for a long time, suddenly there was a white flash of light forcing him to close his eyes.
And when he finally opened his eyes after the light faded he was alone and Dylan was nowhere to be seen.

Teen Wolf POV:

They were  in a pack meeting talking about anything and everything except Stiles. Ever since he went missing 8 month ago they did everything to find him. Surprisingly ( or not ) Scott was the first person to give up after only 2 month, stating that Stiles probably have left on his own free will because he was scared!!
Not everyone agreed with him. Specially not Kira, she may not know stiles as long as the others, but she knew Stiles was not the kind of person to just abandon his family and friends because he was scared! And she couldn't believe that Scott would think like this about his best friend. Scott was supposed to know Stiles better than anyone for god sake. But she knew Scott had changed a lot. He wasn't the sweet boy that she once knew.
Surprisingly enough the other people who didn't buy the bullshit were Peter Hale and Chris Argent and the sheriff -and not Lydia or  Derek (Even Malia believed that Stiles had left them eventually) The four of them never really stopped searching for the boy.
After those 2 month of search Scott forbade them of ever talking about Stiles. It was ridicules, really, and the only reason they put up with this sorry excuse of a pack was because of the hope that one day they would find Stiles.
Anyway they were in a mandatory pack meeting which was pointless in Kira's opinion because no one really talked to others, they were just sitting with a lot of space between them and watching a crappy movie no one really liked.
Now she may be knew to this supernatural word and all but even she knew this was not how a pack should behave with each other.
She was sitting in the kitchen, done with everyone's bullshit when suddenly there was a white light and when she opened her eyes again she was in a large room with others and  so many other people that they didn't know, a few of them shouldn't even  been there because they were dead.
And then there was chaos.

The First Time POV:

Jane, Stella and Simon were gathering in their usual spot in the park. They were doing this for 7 month now. Ever since Dave went missing. They didn't know where he went and at first they didn't even  know why. But then they saw Aubrey with fucking Ronny of all people again and came to the conclusion that he must have left after finding out about Aubrey cheating on him with his useless Ex.
They were sitting on a bench silently, each one of them thinking about Dave when they heard foot steps and when they looked they found none other than the cheating bitch.
"What the hell are you doing here ? You have no right to be here after what you did to him" said Jane angrily.
Aubrey opened her mouth to respond when there was a flash of light and suddenly they were in a large room with a lot of people they didn't know.
And then there was chaos.

Love And Monsters POV:

"Do you think he could be alive?" Minnow said with a sad voice.
"I would love for him to be alive but it's been 6 month now.." Clyde said with a sad smile. On the other side of the line you could hear sniffing of a girl
"Its all my fault, if he hadn't come to find me, or if i hadn't reject him Joel would be alive right now" Aimee said and before anyone els could say anything there was a white light and suddenly all three of them were in a large room with a bunch of people they didn't know.
And then there was chaos.

The Maze Runner Trilogy POV:

they were all in the Paradise for 5 months now. Well not all of them. A lot of them couldn't make it.
They lost a lot of people, Alby, Chuck, Winston, and so many more.
They lost Teresa, not that anyone was too upset about it. She betrayed them after all. If it wasn't for her Minho and the others never would have been captured. They didn't have to go to The Last City to save them. Newt wouldn't have got the flair. He wouldn't have asked Thomas to kill him. Thomas wouldn't have leaved when he thought Newt was dead.
Of course he didn't die. Thomas blood in the blade cured him and Brenda noticed he's alive after Thomas left to find Ava, Janson and Teresa.
Teresa, if it wasn't for her Thomas wouldn't have died. Buried under WCKD building with her.
They were gathering around a bonfire after a long day of building shelters and gardening and working in general. Vince was giving his famous speech about how they survived and how they should honor the ones who died along the way by living their life to the fullest, when there was a blinding white light and suddenly a lot of them were in a large room with a bunch of people they didn't know. And some people that they knew but shouldn't have been there because they were dead.
And then there was chaos.
The Internship POV:

The Noogleres were sitting in a coffee shop near Google's building. They were talking about how they had missed Stuart. And how he never showed for the work after they finished the internship 4 month ago and why. When suddenly there was a bright light and they were in a large room with a lot of people they didn't know.
And then there was chaos.

Deepwater Horizon POV:

It had been 3 month since the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig explosion and the survivors and their families  were gathered to honor the lost ones.
"I miss uncle Caleb"  Sydney said to her father.
"I know sweetheart, we all miss Caleb. He was a great man and he died saving a lot of people" said Mike. And then there was a bright light and suddenly they were in a large room with so many other people that they didn't know.
And then there was chaos.

The Cellar POV:
Evelyn and Jake where sitting around the table in Jake's house talking about sam and wondering how he was doing stocking  in 1919. It had been 2 month since Evelyn came in the future alone. Suddenly there was a bright light and the two of them were in a large room with a bunch of people they didn't know.
And then there was chaos.

American Assassin  POV:
Stan and Irene were in the CIA headquarter searching for mitch.
Ever since he went after the Iranian general and successfully killed him he went missing and they couldn't find him.
Suddenly there was a white blinding light and then they were in a large room with a bunch of people they didn't know. And wasn't Annika supposed to be dead?
And then there was chaos.

So this is the first official chapter. I hope you like it. I will post the second chapter as soon as i can. 
If you haven't seen The Cellar this is Victoria Pedretti as Evelyn Porter

  If you haven't seen The Cellar this is Victoria Pedretti as Evelyn Porter

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And Micah Stock as Jake Taylor

And Micah Stock as Jake Taylor

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