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Hey guys.
Sorry I haven't updated yet.
I don't know when I will post the next chapter (not too late, I promise).
I am and have been in the past few days in a bit of a sad mood.
I'm not in the mood to read, write or do much else except sitting/lying in my bed and staring off into space.
I think at this point I'm only alive on chai and coffee.
Anyway, don't want to ruin your mood too, just wanted to explain why I might not update in a while.
(I tried to write the next chapter, it was trash.)
I hope you are in a better mood than I am and have a good life.
Take care of yourselves.
(And wish me luck in my upcoming exams, I don't have much hope to do good at the state I'm in.)

Dostali jste se na konec publikovaných kapitol.

⏰ Poslední aktualizace: Jun 28, 2021 ⏰

Přidej si tento příběh do své knihovny, abys byl/a informován/a o nových kapitolách!

The lives he livedKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat